General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to stop tilting?

How to stop tilting? in General Discussion
Président® Salted Butter

    Exactly what the title says. What do you guys do whenever you feel tilted?

    remember to drink water

      I usually just take a break. Playing other games, watching some videos/movies, listening to music, etc gets me back into a clear mindset.




            or you should skip the first then listen to this piano song


              Pick io buy bot 5 maelstrom


                play like an asshole and ruin others game .
                works for me lol


                  Stop playing for the day. Analyze the games where you messed up and find everyone's faults on both teams (not just your own). Then sleep on it.


                    You mute trash players and listen to christmas songs trap remix


                      By not playing with apoo


                        tilt more and play until u cuck them so hard u untilt. or find a way to stop (Which is impossible).

                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                          Hello there, sad friend!
                          I've come here just to tell you that someone really does care about you and hopes that you stay happy and cheer up!
                          But it's not me, cause I don't give a fuck about your life. 😎👌

                          Naughty Bully

                            Drink tea


                              Drive to a restaurant and get my favorite food.