General Discussion

General DiscussionManta dodge

Manta dodge in General Discussion

    How far you can go?
    Alch unstable concoctions<drow gust(make it go that no knockback<ice blast<x mark the spot


      there's no way you're gonna dodge ice blast, the debuff applies when the projectile is over you, you can really only dodge the explosion.

      unstable concoction is easy to dodge with manta

      fear is the mind killer

        dream coil


          Yes i know that you only can dodge the explosion but you still dodge 50%of the damage incoming right. Thats why i put unstable concoction in the lowest one . I could dodge it without seeing my hero just by timing and sound


            Looks difficult to dodge concoction


              I can't even dodge a slow ass storm hammer even when I know it's coming. Fml



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                    Dodge lion finger


                      Our normal reaction time is 0.3 sec godlike people is 0.2 sec

                      4pos pudge/grim only

                        the best thing i have dodged with is nyx carapace..managed to dodge lina ult and necro ult feelsgood

                        fear is the mind killer

                          necro ult? CoolStoryBob

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                            You don't need to dodge storm hammer, you can just dispel by casting manta when it's in the air. Manta dodging alche self-stun is reasonably doable because it has a giant timer over your head but manta dodging enemy alche stun is much harder.

                            4pos pudge/grim only

                              but no srsly i managed to do it once. but accidentally tho, not my reflex of something lol..thats why i said it is the best thing ive ever dodge

                              fear is the mind killer

                                i don't think you can dodge necro ult since you are stunned as soon as he click on you


                                  i manta dodged a lot of axe calls and rps

                                  4pos pudge/grim only

                                    but im saying i managed to dodge it using nyx's carapace. not manta


                                      unstable concoction is very easy to dodge. i just manta a moment after I see the clock say .5

                                      drow i assume is hard, and unless you can practice to 90%+ success rate, you'd be a moron to risk blowing your manta early and end up getting silenced when you can just wait for the silence and purge it.

                                      ice blast is fairly hard too+lots of luck because you don't know where it will land so you have to guess. but there is no penalty (in a bubble) for trying to dodge it, so you might as well try, unless you need manta for something else which is common.

                                      x-mark the spot is pathetically easy if he doesn't activate it, you literally just press manta when the debuff is about to run out. but most kunkka's will activate the spell which makes it impossible to dodge.

                                      dream coil if you practice enough to know how far the leash is, you can manta on the edge and might get released, so ofc there is some skill+practice involved, but at the end of the day, it's luck. only one of the 3 illusions/hero will get released even if you do it properly.

                                      storm hammer or any projectile is super easy to dodge.

                                      finger/laguna takes 250ms to hit you so its pretty easy to dodge, just manta once you see them cast.

                                      you can't dodge necro ulti, you are stunned during it. your 2k brain probably didn't realize you were false promised or something. if it was possible to dodge necro ulti then you'd see everyone and their mother buying euls vs. necro so that you can euls dodge every ulti. (meepo can actually do this :D)

                                      axe and magnus I think are fairly easy if you see them coming and are ready for it. i feel like axe is easier than magnus.

                                      glimpse is easy if you can see your landing point. if you can't see the landing point it's a bit harder because you have to go on sound+feeling. I've practiced to the point I could do it 90%+ of the time if I see the landing point, and probably about 50% if I go on sound only.

                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                      fear is the mind killer

                                        i'm pretty sure you can dodge 100% of the dream coils with good skill/practice, bit i need to check how it really works

                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                          i dodge pretty easy es fissure
                                          u cant dodge aa ulti even with cyclon


                                            but can you dodge that feel?


                                              The maximum success rate you can achieve with Dream Coil is 60%. Then it depends on your luck (that's how manta displacement works).

                                              fear is the mind killer

                                                ait okay!


                                                  only time i used manta to dodge it when i was anti mage and lina used ulty on me i dodged it with manta when i didnt even know lina was targetting me i was trying to kill their invoker LMAO


                                                    Dodge echo slam :laugh:


                                                      axe call is probably the hardest

                                                      4pos pudge/grim only

                                                        idk anything about this projectile and manta dodge shit, but i do know how to dodge my responsibilities


                                                          @saqil just say you can dodge black hole chrono. Most player in my level cant even dodge storm hammer which is the easiest one to dodge


                                                            yes, i know u can just dodge it mid air. i sometimes just end up watching it fly righjt into my face. grandpa reflexes


                                                              dodging echo slam is the easiest of them all. :D