General Discussion

General DiscussionEg vs Vp

Eg vs Vp in General Discussion

    No, you blind fuck but don't worry the whole stupid trash 2k panel at the Boston Major thinks the same so no need to feel bad about being shit


      i understand that you feel bad cause i said some bad things about you and all, but you are being ridiculous.
      i dont say he DIED cause of the blademail, he just died as fast as he did (in like 1 second) because of it. and that's what jacked is asking, why did he die so fast.

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        Let the discussion begin cucks


          No, he asked how he lost so much so fast as in HOW HE WENT FROM 100 TO WHATEVER to then get finished by blademail


            he went like 70% to 5% in a second (3 sniper attacks) thx to blademail+ac+soulcatcher

            maybe it was less than 70%, like 60% or so, but we'll have to wait for replay to air to be sure.

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                Hook And Roll

                You don`t understand it really, if you are normal skill maybe try to learn from better players, no? As u want, I will try to explain you now and whatever you can think after that.

                Sd disrupt with 5 man smoke is super cool to setup with mirana if there is only 1 hero to be ganked or 2, to secure a kill. When you know there are 5 heroes very near buy its not so smart to disrupt a hero like slardar who can anyways stun after disruption, it was good vs Sniper for example because if all jumps sniper who is the most important its super good. But if u use disrupt for useless hero like slardar who you could already kill with alche stun and arow in a few sec then you lose fight like they did when they dived tier 2 with smoke. I hope you get it.


                  DOES OCTARINE CORE LIFESTEAL FROM BLADEMAIL?? (just checked, yes it lifesteals) I saw alch take almost no dmg from that rapier sniper, maybe that's the reason why.

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                    EG PogChamp WHAT NOW VP FANGAYS EleGiggle LUL


                      Bogi it was ogre, not slardar. And i wouldve reported crit on that disrupt... that was retarded


                        Who won?

                        Dire Wolf

                          Wait oct core will lifesteal off blademail even if the dmg is physical? That's not broken...


                            well OD can lifesteal off his orb so...

                            Heals from all three damage types and from many instantly killing effects.

                            i guess thats so in example slardar could lifesteal off his crush.

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                            Dire Wolf

                              oh I thought it only healed off magic, but it must heal off all spells of any type. Technically blade mail is a spell. So that means wd ult would heal him too.

                              Actually I should've fucking known this cus I spam oct on bristle and quills is physical dmg and heals him. I'm a moron.


                                WD ward is a separate unit though so it doesn't heal him. much like Aether Lens on him dosnt amp the ward damage just the cast range.


                                  U can heal off the 50 DMG at the end of euls PogChamp. That's one of the biggest reasons octa is good on naga, cuz the illusions lifesteal off of rad burn.

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Again 2 EZ 4 RTZ
                                    - BTW why miracle- suck in pro screen?

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                                      nah oc on naga is simply for more illusions.


                                        The idea behind the blademail is low cooldown and keep alch live with bm. At that stage of the game sumail know that only noone can kill him so he buy bm to keep him alive.


                                          @desolate are u retarted its 100% uptime on you illu but the real reason we buy it coz its like a smaller hot but with mana regen which naga need a lot and a ton of hp.
                                          Noone is tilted at the end i think. That fight in radiant jungle where sniper just force staff up to the hill to kill himself is so stupid. I think the last fight is partly the teams fault coz sniper is at the front line while the whole team is behind


                                            well the stats of course but naga really needs the lower cooldown on q and manta, not as much the spell lifesteal.
                                            watch ur mouth

                                            if u dont need cd reduc or spell lifesteal just get a skadi lul

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                                              @desolate if you ever seen naga player they will say the same. You dont really need the low cooldown because naga eats up so many farm in the map manta + q already kill all of rad/dire jungle. The hp is compareable to skadi and the mana is very important. If you ask me, i say oct is a better version of skadi because of spell lifesteal with your rad and e.
                                              I just looked very closely to the replay when sniper lose his rapier. He got 100-90 by his own illu(sd) then he got soul catcher by sd and hit twice to alch with bm which when from 90-50-10% of his hp


                                                blademail too OP need nerf


                                                  Desolate is right, the lower CD mirror image is what makes her split push have constant uptime. With the spell lifesteal tho the illusions wont die to creeps, and the mana allows her to spam em more. Ur both right.


                                                    wait spell lifesteal works on illusions? that's quite nice considering the radiance burn heals them the same as it would heal the real naga.


                                                      Ye it gives them sustain. Think they heal from ritide too

                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                        Hey 5k star guy did you watch the game.

                                                        90% of the sd disruptions on the game there wasnt a alch present in the teamfight, it was only rtz, and you cant hit a arrow if you dont know where the enemy is, that why when EG didnt have vision the SD always initiate with the combo, most of the time it was rtz split pushing SD smoked or with Mirana ult going deep into contested territory always nearby mirana.

                                                        He used disruption on Sniper to combo with his purge and soulcatcher, sniper could have escaped easily if it was a alch stun with bkb and pike. Plus alch was on the backlines.


                                                          @daddy im not saying that desolate is wrong but im saying that he misunderstood the item. And no illu did not spell lifesteal.