General Discussion

General Discussion4 pos. Support mid!!! New meta??

4 pos. Support mid!!! New meta?? in General Discussion

    Ok so due to the new update (7.00), carries became a bit op due to there "talent tree" and well... for me i think it will be harder for support to support your team on late game (plus the map expantion)... so would it be better for supports to lane on mid? (Ofc. Those mid heros should be like pugna,necro or skywrath) just for the core items and maybe a lvl or two closer to the carries level. I dont really think its a good idea but as a support player myself carries like slark,AM etc... can burst me down really fast on late game so i need my core items fast for the advantage on the mid game and for the carry not to worry every time im away from them


      lul hahaha


        since when are necro pugna and sky, when laning in mid, treated as support?


          idk i just rush midas on support and have easy time with fast talents that give damage/gpm to scale a bit better and just do your job to secure your lanes.

          but i understand its not so great rofl

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            sure they can take mid for a bit so they can hit their 6... otherwise fuk supports. with their cheap ass ghost scepters. so OP cant even burst them down

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                I still say pos 4 roaming/jungle support should be common. Take over lanes if people leave them for a while, but you're biggest job us to gank.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Most supports don't scale well with items, the few you mentioned aren't really supports except sky. Sky has hard single target nukes so he's an exception. Once you're mid, you're playstyle is set to core usually.
                  But I do like Mid support morph lel so you get lvl4 Adaptive strike faster and abuse it earlier.


                    Carries are the furthest thing from OP. The winners in this patch are hard supports and carries that dont need a ton of items to take objectives. Broodmother is a damned rockstar. So is CK. Lycan and Beastmaster are good as well

                    People are making a big deal about OMg level 25 AM so OP but you were probably losing vs a level 25 AM anyways even in the old meta.

                    Win your lane and take objectives


                      for sure dude, enemy carry has talent tree, your carry doesn't


                        With those free 100 GPM and less jungle camp stacks to farm supports are more impactful since the meta will kick afk junglestack farming out and shifts toward deathballing and early map controls