General Discussion

General DiscussionEye of Skadi

Eye of Skadi in General Discussion
Visita Hari Danta

    is it a thing on drow and OD now?

    Dire Wolf

      OD sounds good, drow sounds bad. It has horrible agility gain for the price, it's more of a tank item. And I think it's hard to fit into a drow build since you have core items boots, pike, aghs, maelstrom/mjollnir. Manta is probably the next closest thing to a core item on drow after those. Leaves you one slot. Do you really want a skadi over a butterfly?

      I think it's even more a thing on heroes who like it with deso like a skadi deso sf, sniper, viper, razor, TA maybe. TA not sure, she kind of needs offense as well.

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        It's a thing on every hero now lmao

        Riguma Borusu

          "Do you really want a skadi over a butterfly?"

          some games, definitely


            It's not the best item to get on drow imo
            She already has slow, damage you get from skadi is super low for it's price, tankiness is pretty much wasted because what's the point of it since drow would die if she gets jumped on no matter what?
            Mobility and sustain > tankiness


              I'm not saying skadi is entirely bad for drow, but it's not a go-to item for sure


                i mean the amount of slow a drow would have with skadi is pretty ridiculous. The stats really arent that bad and drow likes survivability. plus with aghs maelstrom farming gold isnt hard at all.

                Visita Hari Danta

                  in drow i just thought because of the tankiness she would get from it but thinking a bit more and it is just not worth on drow


                    rough math skadi gives + 60 damage and a 70 - 80% movement slow.


                      for drow


                        Well roughly butter provides like more damage
                        Plus the flutter gives you more mobility which helps keeping the enemies away from you (which is better than tankiness anyway, you lose damage and your life if they manage to get close to drow anyway)
                        I'd get skadi to kite the shit out of BKB reliant or snail heroes

                        Dire Wolf

                          Wtf bearcat? Where do you get +60 dmg from? It's 25 agility, 25 dmg there plus 38% which is 9.5 unless you get that level 20 talent. No where close to 60 dmg. The slow I think stacks additively so it'd be 99% with her arrow which means you'd reduce them to about minimum 100 move speed. It'd be like the same effect as a demonic purge from shadow demon or when viper ults you with poison spit as well. But is it worth it over a 64% reduction? Idk, 64% is probably more than enough.

                          vs butterfly which is 12.6 from aura, 65 ias, 65 dmg or 77.6 total. It's a huge damage difference, almost 3 times as much not even accounting for the attack speed. On top of that ehp butterfly will always be ahead unless enemies have mkb, which they probably will, but forcing them to buy mkbs on inconvenient heroes like a sven or void is always fun. I would only get skadi if I absolutely had no way to deal with bkb heroes like lifestealer or sven with bkb and had to kite them with skadi or if there was an omni knight, or if I had to have more hp for magic burst like vs an aghs qop or lina or something. Seems highly situational, no way it's core.


                            no man its not a thing
                            item is still picked as core on couple heroes and thats it


                              Thanks for confirming my thoughts Dire
                              I'm always scared of my insights being inaccurate or wrong

                              Dire Wolf

                                It's kind of like sange and yasha for a lot of heroes, it's a good item if we had 7 or 8 slots, not good enough to be core.


                                  you're trading off a bit of dmg for survivability. skadi on drow is actually kinda nice for some games in the past even when it was a uam. now should definitely be a lot more viable. the only reason it wouldnt be good is because you get it late after all your core items, and not sure if that would actually value add given how you supposed play drow (now). since her power spike shifted a lot earlier with pike

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                                    Skadi on silencer mid. It is like a 5th or 6th item but at lvl 25 pick the range and with hex, silver edge, pike, and a skadi u become a way danker sniper. Throw in a mjollnir (ok probably not), or moonshard or some shit.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Yes very good on silencer cus he doesn't have the escapes drow does with gust and he gets int and agility for more attack speed. Silencer needs to tank up more than drow.

                                      I still disagree saying you trade a bit of dmg for survivability. Butterfly is a ton more ehp and flutter is mobility = survivability. Only thing skadi has is kiting, which drow does fine anyway, and some raw hp for magic dmg. And it's not a bit of dmg, butter fly is 60 ias vs 25, 70 something dmg vs 25. It's like 3-4 times as much dmg depending on how that attack speed works out.


                                        sorry I messed up my calculations earlier so yeah its not 60 damage more like 35 and im pretty sure that ms % increases or decreases stack multiplicativly. so butterfly gives you twice the damage skadi would and gives you a little better mobility. your probably right that butterfly is better than skadi in most cases but I mean skadi isnt bad its just not the best