General Discussion

General DiscussionCentaur Warrunner has dethroned Omniknight as the highest winrate hero

Centaur Warrunner has dethroned Omniknight as the highest winrate hero in General Discussion

    Across all games/skill levels Bradwarden has increased winrate by 2.17% (as of writing), going from an already high 55.5% to a pubstomping 57.66% winrate.

    Menahwile the omniknight has suffered a savage 3.33% swing against him taking him from 60.15% to 56.82%.

    This might be the first time Centaur Warrunner has ever been the highest winrate hero. Is the return aura really that strong?


      Haha hoho

      Riguma Borusu

        yep, it's completely broken and messed up


          Other than the cores, might as well not just hit anybody cause it freakin hurts.


            From what I heard when he was first added to DotA 2 he had almost 70% winrate


              is it cuz the aura? i means the aura is super good, but thats lvl 25

              Riguma Borusu

                ^lvl 25 is super easy to reach on literally anything right now


                  Ah yes, back when he was first added was coincidentally when his ulti was reworked from just giving STR to the Stampede. Only then, getting hit by the Stampede stunned, that was when he had his highest winrate (1st place as well).

                  Potato Marshal

                    Haven't had a chance to try out Centaur yet, is the aura damage based on Centaur's strength or the strength of the hero getting hit?

                    Potato Marshal

                      Nevermind, just checked Dotapedia and it's all based on Centaur's strength. That's insane, I expect it to be nerfed next patch to be based on the strength of the hero being targetted.

                      Potato Marshal

                        Oh fuck, it slipped my mind, but does the aura also effect creeps as well? Because towers are just going to die no matter what, realistically a level 25 centaur will have close to if not more than 200 strength with a heart and a few other strength items. That's 150 damage reflected from each hit.

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          Wohoo new hero to spam?


                            people spamming op meta heros disgust me.


                              The patch notes dont say wtf return aura is plis halp

                              Potato Marshal

                                It's one of Centaur's level 25 talents. All ally heroes within a 900 radius of Centaur Warrunner gets his return ablitiy (his passive) that does damage based on Centaur's strength.


                                  Broken af


                                    holy shit how's that not broken

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      it is absolutely broken, if your centaur reaches level 25 you can just five man with him and basically win every fight unless they have a lot of heroes that just simply never right click anyone in which case they also can't hit buildings so you won

                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                        Return is physical damage so does that mean its reduced by the attacking hero's own armour? If that's the case you would only want to go up against him with high armour carries or ones which have built an AC.

                                        A level 25 centaur with the +15 strength talent, an aghs and a heart would deal about 166 damage in return to every attack before reductions. Applying that to every single person in your wonder he is winning so much.


                                          Holy shit thats beyond broken. Is it amped by his spell amp talent? Holy shit dude.