General Discussion

General DiscussionSo how do you guys deal with RED days !?

So how do you guys deal with RED days !? in General Discussion

    Well 1 match won in the last week. Kinda depressed. How do you get out of this zone... Even try hard games cant seem to win.


      You cannot do anything about that. Just take a rest, you'll get MMR back sooner or later with the winning streaks.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Pick lvl1 roamer heroes and go fuck around the whole map and type "lul" just to be cancerous and piss everyone off
        I personally like Sky a lot. His Arcane Bolt is the only level one skill that gives impact in first few minutes constantly
        In NS, playing support easily wins you games even if you're not really supporting, unless you kill too much and feed comeback gold that is.

        Riguma Borusu

          just fap


            ^^ lul


              Bro there is no point in winning all the time. What would be the challenge/fun then?


                I dropped so low I cant even remember last time I was 2.5k. Kinda awefull feeling. Once I reached 3.3k I started loosingmatches and duh.
                Ah well, new year new me.


                  A hard earned fight is always something to look forward to.. But this feels like beyond control some how. Its no where near close! Its a one sided trample. I just feel like the team is a stack of retards.. my anger making me one of them ofc. I know it feels like Im whining like a little girl. Pick carry no wards no harass from supports. Pick support ward all over the map but ppl still farm in lane after seeing 5ppl rotating. Pick a ganker and again team will go 5 melle carry or support will go farm while rest of the team stacking up to defend t3s.

                  M u r d e r

                    just buy a 4k acct and go win some dota

                    M u r d e r

                      there IS a thing as too much retarded. and its mostly your bracket which is ~2k mmr.

                      in 1k people are aware they suck, and so always let you mid, you win game. in 2k, people think they are good, most of the time fight you for mid, even if you already picked your hero, you end up giving them mid, they play like retards and feed, you lose.

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                        GUYZ I NO WIN IN FULL WEAK HOW TO GIT OUT

                        *looks at profile*
                        *8 games played in last week*
                        ayy lmao son, you have problems


                          you are one of them. git gud scrub


                            bought this acc but i cant stomp all games cuz retards everywhere, at least i enjoy playin in this bracket. All you need is a good communication no matter is win/lose so you wont be stress up and triggered later on


                              Well I generally stop playing once I lose a game.. atleast for a day sometimes a few. Learnt this lesson when I dropped from 3.8 to 2.7 in 4 days. When u lose games.. there is a tendency to keep that up for a while.


                                As a serious suggestion, analyse any mistakes you are making in games. Use a small pool of heroes so you can focus on improvement. Watching 5-6k mmr games can help a shit load when it comes to seeing the more obvious mistakes in your gameplay. If your team start being toxic - Mute them asap. Don't even say something sarcastic like "muted noob", just mute them and focus on your own game. Mute the enemy team too so you don't let shit talking affect your learning process.




                                    Tsukiko what's your mmr on your main acc? You seem to be doing pretty well on 4k, isn't that a bit of a rare case? I mean most acc buyers simply can't keep up with the pace of the game in higher brackets.


                                      Well id like to play the comfort picks.. but the only way to avoid 5 carries is to last pick.. at least a support or a initiator. see last game as prime example. first pick monkey king, 2nd void. till here i can understand. The retards then pick 3rd pick life stealer, 4th pick jugg. and last pick necro by me. Just looking at the picks i lose the will to play. Game has not yet updated.. it will soon.

                                      Optimus Drip

                                        solo q is cancer


                                          me buy new account when red day


                                            i mean i bought that 2.5k account for fun, hate smurfing cuz SEA nmm is cancerous af, better play low lvl rmm

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                                            The Medic Guy

                                              keep press finding match button until you get the 1 win you want, then call it a day.

                                              Ave with an internet pfp

                                                Acaully you shouldnt be playing rank after the update of new patch because most of the stuff are sometimes bugged and unbalnced. Better try out something new at pub or troll some people at pub like me ._.

                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  I LOST 7 GAMES IN A ROW AND NOW HAVE 5 LPQ HAVE TO DEAL WITH!

                                                  EASY MY WIN STREAK IS 24 BEFORE I WILL GET EVEN HIGHER WHEN I COMEBACK!
                                                  TODAY I WILL PLAY 9 HOURS NON STOP!

                                                  keep this spirit of mine and go on

                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                    ^Sorry just 21 wrong info


                                                      I will quote our forgotten but not forgotten friend
                                                      "Stop playing when you lose 2 games in a row and come back tomorrow"
                                                      Stop trying to grind back your MMR without trying to find your own mistakes and gameplay polishing
                                                      Insanity is doing the same fucking thing all over again expecting a different result

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                        Try to pick versatile heroes that can play either support or core role
                                                        But that doesn't mean you should spam fucking naga siren in NS in one of the worst patch for illusion heroes

                                                        basement :)

                                                          Get good?


                                                            Haha finally 1 win. Lc gets banned and insta pick am instead of waiting for team to pick and then go the best fit last pick. Worked out this time. Was expecting 5 carries but somehow didn't turn up that way.


                                                              As long as you're not braindead with AM most of the time it's easy win in NS tbh


                                                                Also AM aghanim against BS is 4200 wasted for nothing if the BS actually has a brain and cast skill 3 on you to break the reflect to open up with rupture


                                                                  I give a rest to myself. Then i analyze my games why im losing. I work on my mistakes, i improve my games, i watch proffessional games to see advance tricks. My 1st solo calibration is 2.5k now im 4k mmr.

                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                    ^ Ayy same :D I mean the MMR part
                                                                    But I will fall to 3.9k again eventually

                                                                    Cancer Malaria

                                                                      if you lose 2 games ranked straight in a row, just stop playing for a while before you get depressed


                                                                        alot of times when ure on a mass loss streak u start to forget what you are supposed to do in the game, and begin playing on auto pilot
                                                                        usually when that happens i try to talk to myself during the game and it kinda makes me more aware and think more and not be zoned out

                                                                        hope that helps.