General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you guys think of this game?

What do you guys think of this game? in General Discussion

    Not complaining or flaming or blaming but just look:

    I'm 4.7k
    My Underlord is 5.6k
    My Ogre is 6.3k
    My Luna is 6.7k
    Don't know Legion's mmr he's unknown on dotabuff but he played decently.

    They fed the shit out of their lanes, ogre didn't even gank once mid when I was against a magnus that was spamming his w with a quelling blade so obviously he outfarms me etc, yeah I was useless, missed many hooks, lost mid hard (but I didn't get a gank mid still no excuse) and since the other heroes are getting farmed it's harder for me to get those kills + these guys had no map awareness whatsoever they couldn't use spells and blamed Legion and me, funny thing was Luna was streaming which made it better and the best thing out of that is that all of these 3 were russians, russian account buyers confirmed? I'm not sure how these guys could be 5.5k+ everytime I get a ~6k player he plays worse than my dad that is currently sitting at 900 mmr but when the enemy team has a 6k player it's Miracle. I'm just really interested in your opinion, was I really that unlucky with these teammates that I definitely can blame them and not myself for this loss?

    Ова тема је измењена

      Why would you go midlane Pudge if you hook bad though. The only redeeming factor of a Pudge midlane is the hook.


        I have a total of 1.3k pudge games, I wasn't really playing well this game + I didn't get any ganks mid.

        Овај коментар је измењен

          you fuckin picked pudge mid in 2016

          you deserve the loss

          inb4 ''i have 10000000000000000 pudge games"

          you're playing it like you're still in 2010, update to new meta or don't complain

          Овај коментар је измењен

            Just because you're a bad Pudge player and can't play it mid doesn't others shouldn't play it mid.
            It's not even about the 100000 games, I've played enough Pudge games to understand where the hero belongs and fits perfectly, I've never really cared about the ''meta'' every patch I still stomp games with Pudge mid so your opinion is pretty much worthless here.

            Овај коментар је измењен

              Well there we go. Don't play bad if you want something as gimmicky as a Pudge mid.

              According to you Dotabuff though you seem fairly competent. This is just one of your bad days.


                just because you can't play crystal maiden good enough for it to be a carry, doesn't mean others shouldn't play it?

                well only if you like losing

                if you don't care about the meta, why do you care about winning?

                it's like saying omg winning with antimage is impossible, i had 200 gpm, but you don't know how to rightclick creeps

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  It's not one of my bad ''days'' It's just a bad game that you can't fully blame on me, I don't think you seem to get the point.


                    You're comparing a cm to a pudge why am i even arguing with you lol now you are just trying to embarass yourself.


                      He time traveled from 2010 to 2016

                      < blank >

                        Snowballing with Pudge mid means you won the game

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          In pro screen, mid player always go top/bot to gank other while in noob they expected top/bot help them in mid, Dota gaming


                            because that's what you're exactly doing

                            playing a roaming support as a midlaner in 2016


                              stopped reading when i read "ogre didnt gank mid"

                              hes solo supporting, no shit hes not ganking ur lane, esp when his carry hero is luna. u cant leave lane in that lane for a few minutes at minimum, esp if MK is in the game

                              the guy only plays carry/mid,u guys jacked his role. ur 1.6k mmr below him and u took his mid lane and the mid of other higher mmr players, u should go to lp

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                But a part of it can be blamed on you. And I think much of the blame is on you. Why not gank just after you have level 6?


                                  If you've got 1.3k games of Pudge aren't you supposed to be godlike at hooking? If you've got 1.3k games of Pudge don't you know how to gank efficiently?


                                    id run down mid as soon as someone whos 1.6k mmr below me picks pudge mid thats for sure


                                      It's not just a ''roaming support'' the hero is way better than that.

                                      Yeah? he never left lane and they still fed the shit out of that lane so I'm pretty sure even if he ganked it wouldn't matter anyways because that lane was lost.

                                      Yeah totally ''much of the blame is on me'' we were like 0-7 before 5 minute mark, offlane fed 3 kills top fed 4 kills both together, I'm not sure why you're asking me why I didn't gank at level 6 when I'm playing my best hero and I'm 100% sure I know better when to gank than you? I don't get it.

                                      I'm pretty sure I just said I just had a bad game? Are you actually retarded lol can I add you on steam so we can talk further on there? I'm getting a little bit triggered reading what you say considering it absolutely makes no sense.

                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        ^^what STR8 said

                                        casual gamer

                                          pudge peaks so early and then drops off like a fucking brick

                                          how are you going to win when at 30 minutes they have a mid core that has recovered (necro comes to mind) and you have a 12/3/4 pudge that is a walking hook that hemorrhages XP on death

                                          if i had a 4k playing pudge mid i wouldnt try too hard to win either. its like playing with a jungle alch, i know the game is 90% lost


                                            ^ Maybe because most pudges you've seen are not good pudge players? Maybe seeing a better pudge play will change your mind.


                                              i dont get it, why cant u just play a support pudge or some support if ur that much mmr below everyone else

                                              i cant understand the thought process of someone this stupid. u literally ruined the game. u have a 6.3k core player and u jack his role whereas if u just played support and didnt make him play a role he never played ud have a 6.3k core player instead of a 4.7k core player

                                              and it doesnt matter if they fed thats still ur fault for not picking a real mid or playing support like a normal person. abandoning ur safelaner to a moneky king spiritbreakers fucking stupid. u dont deserve to win that game and u shoudl stop playing ranked if u cant let higher mmr players play the role they want to.


                                                What do you want to prove here? That you are superior to the other players in your team? That you, a hard working 1.3k game Pudge pro player, was dragged down by his teammates?

                                                I don't see this as much more than a babyrage thread whining about his team.


                                                  Hello? the 6.3k literally first or second picked ogre, then came underlord then luna then I got fourth pick or fifth pick, not sure why u start chatting random shit about ''jacked his role'' I'm the lowest mmr yet played the best out of the 5 when I myself having a bad game? I don't think you get the point do you lol my head is literally hurting I can't actually believe the things you are saying you're actually god damn braindead, you're saying I lost the game for not ganking when before I was level 6 top and bot already fed so basically what u are saying if I didn't pick pudge and was playing for example crystal maiden mid and i wasn't level 6 the outcome of top and bot would be something else? I don't even think you deserve my time lol holy shit u are delusional.


                                                    Yeah vapor I know enough you're also incompetent to have a proper conversation with, you don't get the point that's ok you're not worth my time either, thanks for chatting random shit this isn't even a whine thread about my team but if that's what you think it is then go ahead.

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      Okay so why do you place Pudge in mid. To get early level 6 ofcourse, everybody knows that.

                                                      What do you do with your early level 6? Gank everyone with my bottle and Tranqs, because my nukes hurts, ez.

                                                      So how do you win the game? By ganking once I get my Dismember, which will will allow me to kill anyone I hook because they don't have the availability of spells yet, since I went mid lane.


                                                        Fella, Pudge loses mid to literally every mid in the game. You can complain all day that you didn't get ganks and that if someone showed up in your lane you could have killed Magnus, but other mid heroes can kill people with ganks, gank themselves, AND hold their own against another mid hero. Puck, QoP, TA, Magnus, ect, are all heroes who can secure kills with a gank and gank themselves, while at the same time pressuring the enemy mid. Pudge can't apply any pressure to his lane and has trouble getting farm because of it. On top of that he doesn't do much (or as much) with the gold as any of the aforementioned mids.

                                                        If you picked Pudge with the intention of going mid I have no sympathy for you and you basically screwed your team at minute zero. In order to play better you must pick better.


                                                          Why did this guy suddenly got salty like a tablespoonful of cinnamon powder was shoved up his ass.

                                                          Oh didn't the mods ban this guy or something? Correct me if I'm wrong.


                                                            Fella, Pudge loses mid to literally every mid in the game.

                                                            Fella, my games and stats prove that's absolutely incorrect, I didn't bother reading the rest of what you said because I'm pretty sure you only spoke negative about me and me as playing pudge mid not gonna bother responding afterwards either.

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              'Not complaining or flaming or blaming but just look'

                                                              'I'm the lowest mmr yet played the best out of the 5 when I myself having a bad game?'



                                                                Is there anyone here that is competent enough to have a proper and normal conversation with me instead of drawing conclusions too quickly?


                                                                  Sorry my mistake everything was your teammates' fault not yours for how can you ever incur such a blatant mistake. Your 1.3k games of Pudge certainly assures that you are the best out of your team composed of 5ks and a 6k. We are deeply sorry for you to get such teammates, you are above them in every single way, as your stats in Dotabuff with your 1.3k Pudge games clearly say.


                                                                    You gave us a link to the match you retard, we barely know anything about you, why do you expect that we would make a fucking research paper regarding that game.


                                                                      Guy posts on net about a game to ask their opinion. Continues to tell every single guy that commented on the thread taht his opinion doesnt matter or he is braindead.


                                                                        Well, he is entitled to that because of his 1.3k Pudge games. We cannot deny his right to be demeaning to others, his 1.3k Pudge games says so.



                                                                          I'm pretty sure I didn't say that to everyone on here, maybe if you re read the comments you'll probably delete your post.

                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                            No, I gave a sound and reasoned argument as to why Pudge is an objectively poor pick for the mid position and you refused to read it under the assumption that I was going to flame you. You are clearly not looking for a discussion yourself and only seek validation. You will not find it from me or, by the looks of it, anyone here. You are wrong. Enjoy living in delusion.

                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              ^You want a conclusion that you discover the best build and play style of pudge because u play him 1.2K games is it?
                                                                              U are just 10K player if no one drag you down is it?

                                                                              You saw miracle- matches and thinking if your are the enemies you can easily 1v1 rape him is it?
                                                                              and of course you teammate must help you,but it's still count as 1v1 is it?

                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                @ AIMIt's a poor choice if you play it, just because you're a bad pudge players doesn't mean others are aswell.


                                                                                Never said that
                                                                                Never said that
                                                                                Never said that
                                                                                Never said that either

                                                                                You just came up with random shit that I've never said before not sure why but I guess u need something to say in order to post on this thread.

                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                  Is it drama day today?

                                                                                  WHERE'S DA POPCORN


                                                                                    "I still stomp games with Pudge mid so your opinion is pretty much worthless here."
                                                                                    "Is there anyone here that is competent enough to have a proper and normal conversation with me instead of drawing conclusions too quickly?"
                                                                                    "I can't actually believe the things you are saying you're actually god damn braindead"
                                                                                    Dude, you retarded or some shit? Maybe a late stage case of autism.



                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                        Wait what Ludwig you're actually a smurf? I really didn't wanna say anything about the normal skill because I thought you're just a new player but then I looked at your first game and you can clearly tell that you're a smurf, if you're actually this bad then it's better for you if you just stop talking lol.


                                                                                          How does being a smurf affect anything he has said.

                                                                                          Look who's talking. So proud of his 1.3k games of Pudge but hasn't reached 5k yet. Do yourself a favor and get a life. Go see that psychiatrist everyone's been referring to you.


                                                                                            Ok lets count the peopl here who actually replied with relevant info to your thread; cookie, straightouta compton, icetea,vaporwave, JDF8. You have told every single one of them except JDF8 that they are retarded, can't hold a conservation or their opinion doesnt matter.


                                                                                              I'm pretty sure this is a guy the mods banned, no doubt about it.

                                                                                              One of the better judgements they've made.


                                                                                                This person is incapable of holding a conversation with someone that doesn't immediately side with him. I gave him a well thought out paragraph explaining why Pudge should never be picked in the mid lane and, rather than refute my argument with his own reasoning, he ignores my comment and insults my ability to play the hero. Clearly he will never improve and that saddens me. But I'll get over it.


                                                                                                  @H^ And now come again, you actually wanna trash talk me, which proves my point. You are retarded, autist and happens himself ironically to be a smurf. What a guy. You know we have a retard like you on DB forums every single day who blames his team and shit and pretends to be god like himself. Actually, on your "can't smurf" and "normal skill" thing, its mostly that i dont care. I play for fun, and that is mostly with my friend. If I feel like picking a hero, i pick it. Dont give a fuck about winning. Please you have already shown you are retarded, why are you even here.


                                                                                                    tbh, If i know im the lowest or one of the lowest mmr in my team, I will proudly be the wardbtch because they will probably carry me to victory


                                                                                                      i live by ''as long as someone isn't feeding couriers intentionally, the game is winnable"

                                                                                                      blaming no one but myself for losses.

                                                                                                      i think it's ridiculous if you think your teammates, who are clearly better than you in this case, are the reason you lost the game.


                                                                                                        But Cookie, what about his 1.3k Pudge games?