General Discussion

General Discussiondo people even realize we have brewmaster in the game's hero pool?

do people even realize we have brewmaster in the game's hero pool? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    He feels really weird. the talent tree also seems a bit too lackluster.


      He is bad unless you are s4

      Riguma Borusu

        what is a brewmaster

        did they add a new hero in dota while I wasn't paying attention

        casual gamer

          fun hero, super high impact if played well

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            lmao i just checked brew talent stats

            lvl 10 manaregen pickrate - 21.2%
            the hero has one of the best lv10 talents in the game and ppl ignore it 80% of the time seems fucking good

            casual gamer

              treads + raindrop infinite mana i need muh dps


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              mom said it's my turn to ...

                That's one part of the talent tree that's actually good. The rest, not too sure.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  the rest of his tree is not very good indeed but it's not bad either especially if u run a semicarry brew with like echo sny bkb or smth

                  Livin' Real Good

                    I still think aura items are still the best way to build him.

                    Wand is godlike on him, the +4 stats allow you to thunder clap early game, and not go " oh shit, no mana to use my ultimate! "

                    The new drums giving mana regen now is pretty good for him, not to mention the move speed and stats of course. (most notably the +6 intelligence)

                    Vlads godlike for obvious reasons.

                    AC godlike on him for obvious reasons.

                    He still sucks late game though, even with that huge talent buff to his brewlings. (+14 armor to all 3 brewlings I think?)

                    Good part is that brewlings all benefit from auras making them stronger and faster.

                    The +14 armor talent to all brewlings + Vlads aura armor + AC armor aura make the brewlings much tankier late game, the only problem is............. they deal no damage late game, so what's the point.

                    Maybe buy radiance (brewlings all get radiance burn) or ags for extra brewlings damage out out? Dunno.


                      chen still the lowest

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        don't go aghs pls it's one of the lowest impact items u can get for 4k gold
                        crit on fire is wasted because it dies super fast
                        beer on storm is wasted because enemy carry should be alwaus perma euled or perma bouldered
                        u basically pay 4200 for extra clap at which point u'd be better off with shivas or pretty much anything else in this price range

                        also it may be my personal bias against drums because i hate that item and super rarely get it, but i'm pretty sure new hotd is better than drums in every way


                          The thing is they buff his ult against buildings but whats the fucking point if its never available for pushes since you need to use it in the teamfight that happened before the push(otherwise youre honestly doing something wrong).

                          Plus youre limited to pretty much the only viable build which is brown boots bottle wand into blink ...midas would be great since you struggle with farming but its just too late for midas cuz you need blink so bad to gather kills before 25 mins in teamfights of like 6 people overall where brew is simply super strong cuz he offers -1 hero off the other team in such fights and still provides damage unlike in the later stages of the game.

                          The post blink items are pretty much given - vlads(if youre not doing great and need some new items ..), shivas, ac and bkb if needed ofc dont have time/farm for anything else ever anyway even thou radi is really strong on him actually.

                          The only way of making the guy viable is to lower his ult cooldown and adding phase movement to at least your fire panda or provide it with actual hasted movement, so that it cannot be slowed.

                          I dunno boys, I love brew very much but hes a bad hero honestly.

                          PS: Aghs would be fucking terrible even if it was better lmao.


                            I Believe WAY WAY before his Ags Was good But I can't rember the patch Did some stuff to the Brewing And Reduced the Cooldown on His ultimate.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              it's hard to buff this hero too much without making him OP as fuck because of the nature of his ultimate

                              that being said, everyone's aware the hero is in the pool

                              only it's kinda drowned


                                And Yah after Spamming him for a while (strong early game) Slacks to almost very little Impact late. One day Valve Will Do something to him that will matter.... Q back to 1 person target lasts 4 seconds but 45% slow? With 70% miss Chance All lvs. Probably Most important one...


                                  That's True His Mana pool..... I'm aware I've lost meny kills Or Gotten killed On Bad Mana Mangeing.


                                    what's a brewmaster? can you eat those?

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      Just played yesterday, the hero is very good if you can manage and macro your ulti well VHS is just a finger away xD

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        Yup AGS sucks on him.


                                          Ill have 2 number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, 2 number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.


                                            Oh and a diet coke please
                                            I'm on a diet


                                              aura items
                                              necro, drums , vlad
                                              press necro press ulti
                                              300% demolish rekt tower

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                necro is pretty underrated on brew indeed
                                                u can control the target at least 40% of the time and necros get tons of aura bonuses
                                                alternatively u can kill buildings with earth, fire and necros, again u have enough control to prevent enemy cores from dealing with them too quickly
                                                with ac and vlads u will probably have about the same tower dps as clinkz or drow


                                                  Glad he is not in meta
                                                  Was way too annoying


                                                    What about any damage-dealing builds? The guy has built-in evasion and crit. That sounds like a good foundation for some fun beat-the-shit-out-of-em-while-they-can't-hit-you builds.


                                                      >not knowing how permadrunking a PA feels like
                                                      is like you all started playing this game in 2k15 and only know about morph and od