General Discussion

General DiscussionHeart of tarrasque so shiitty now????

Heart of tarrasque so shiitty now???? in General Discussion

    A very useless item during late game. Especially when the enemy is MK.



      1-IceTea 🌟

        by the look of your name I knew who u are.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          MK is like Ursa bro. You let him hit you too much you GG Just run away like he's your kite trying to fly from behind and fight again when your heart heals you. No shame in that.

          1-IceTea 🌟

            Can't man fight a monkey it's a shame,*insta pick Ursa to man fight him*

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Heart is good for those hero that need to break fight,like Sladar blink it stun ulti eat skill and run to heal,and blink in again with full hp

              Riguma Borusu

                though, heart is pretty dumpster item on most heroes even now

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                  hi diox


                    diox pls

                    The Robot Devil

                      Heart has been mostly shit for a while. Can't remember the last pro game I've seen it.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^I forgot who it was, but one weaver bought a heart, and never died afterwards

                        it's a pretty good item in some circumstances, where you don't have a slark on your team but want to have a slark on your team

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                          its fine on a few heroes. CK with a heart/abyssal/armlet has almost 5k hp and 1 billion dmg.


                            The item needs to be reworked I believe. Probably +dmg or change the components.


                              ^ i agree on this.. I played pudge b4 with almost 7k hp and has 2 HoT but still got rekt late game.. Try HoT on Dp or pudge and witness your softness late game. Ck and weaver are hard to kill since ck has illusions and weaver has escape so its probably good for them..

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^ you got rekt lategame because you're a fucking retard

                                you build armor and (sometimes) pipe/bkb, not fucking HP, good fucking god

                                there are ocassions where you get heart for the regen part, but getting two hearts is so batshit retarded I don't even know where to start, one heart + a fucking chainmail will give you more physical EHP if you have 3k HP than getting two hearts, and this is because pudge doesn't have any armor innately, and getting a platemail makes you almost immortal if you already have 5k HP

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                                  Why would you buy 2 HoT?
                                  On pudge, a hero who can't just get in and out of fights to take advantage of the regen?


                                    Have you seen a centaur with 6 HoT played by a pro player??? Was he a retArd too????? Rofl


                                      with 2x heart ultra-late pudge can have 7k hp im sure

                                      and nowhere does it say you can't also have blademail and/or shivas on top of it

                                      for pudge heart is good cause it scales with dismemberment, str is dmg.

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        Centaur has Return. The STR gives damage. Nobody wanna hit a 6Heart centaur. But Pudge has Flesh Heap one heart is good enough. His threat is hook and initiate.

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                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          Heart is mostly a rape item though. You just camp in front of fountain and wait for them to respawn, go in, rape, come out, full HP again.
                                          But I really like how Heart works now. It is after all a heart. It gives you life.
                                          Maybe rework it like HoN? No disabling the heart on damage with 0.75% heal, yet it's quite imbalanced (HoN is imbalanced).

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Have you seen a centaur with 6 HoT played by a pro player??? Was he a retArd too????? Rofl

                                            No, and yes. Or he was stomping so hard he could've purchased 6 dagons and it wouldn't have mattered. A 6 heart centaur is a terrible fucking build, as much as a 6 rapier medusa is. Stacking hearts on centaur is nice and all, but if you can do it you're already stomping, not to mention you're better off building armor most of the time (heart + ac = more damage and survivability than 2 hearts). Also 6 hearts means you have miserable movement speed, no blink and no bkb lategame (which you might need if people are countering your initiation with euls/orchid/etc.

                                            TL;DR: There's a fucking reason you have 2.6k MMR with 45% winrate, and that's because you have no fucking idea how to play the game.

                                            with 2x heart ultra-late pudge can have 7k hp im sure
                                            and nowhere does it say you can't also have blademail and/or shivas on top of it
                                            for pudge heart is good cause it scales with dismemberment, str is dmg.

                                            Veil or ethereal = more damage AND survivability than an extra heart + has a lot more utility. Hex is a better item than another heart. Hell, even an abyssal is a better item than another heart. Nobody buys two fucking hearts on pudge, who is not retarded. Having both a blink and force staff is better than just having a blink and getting another heart. Also what kind of a pudge has blademail, shivas, and two hearts?! You need boots, and a blink, and then you have no slots for additional utility, it's actually fucking retarded. At that point it's basically throwing gold in the drain.

                                            Now that i think of it, a dagon 5 will deal more damage than another heart too, and doesn't require channeling.

                                            Literally nobody who has any game knowledge buys heart on pudge if they can sustain after fights, and if they can't, there are often better solutions, but two hearts is so absurdly retarded it shouldn't even be discussed.

                                            You have the hero with the greatest potential to have a fuckton of HP, and instead of multiplying that by armor and magic resistance (if needed), you buy more HP? And then they'll say it's their teammates not letting them get into 3k/4k bracket or whatever.

                                            BTW, find me one guide where pudge goes heart. Sometimes it's kinda okay if you never want to go to fountain again and can't find a feasible way to regen all yuor HP, but nobody buys heart for raw HP or dismember damage, actually nobody cares about dismember damage, at the point where you'd have two hearts lockdown is more important because you have carries who do damage.

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