General Discussion

General DiscussionJungleing help

Jungleing help in General Discussion

    So I'm on a Loseing Streek with Keeper Of the Light And I Ingored The Fact That he's a Jungler With 1 out of those 3 bars That I never understood what they ment.
    Anyone Got any good Videos About Jungling In General Or Tips For Jungling with Kotl. (I'm aware his Illuminate Can push up A Creep wave alot And I want to not throw the game)

    Riguma Borusu

      You used to be able to farm stacks with illuminate a long time ago (before magic resist on creeps, and 2 minute spawn times). As it is now, just forget it, even if you stack it's better that your carry gets it anyway.

      Овај коментар је измењен

        The best advice is not hit creepwave with illuminate or just level up mana leak and roam. Or pick other hero. I always flame ppl who hit creepwave with illuminate.


          Sigh Ok then

          Johnny Rico

            To Win Stop With This, Ok.