General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is this game so ez?

why is this game so ez? in General Discussion

    you pick underlord, you win 5k matches by urself as a 4k player. eziest patch of my life

    Pontic Greek

      dayum bruv you got carried hard


        i dont think he got carried/. he has nice assist numbers

        < blank >

          Maybe you just stopped dragging the motivation of your team down by not writing "gg i'm done with this game" 4 minutes into the game

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              dayum bro just watch the games. i was coordinating the whole team to victory and was winning my lane almost every game
              edit: nvm i m talking to a ns scrub ayy, he wouldnt understand

              and @Aimstronk still mad about being bad at MK? LUL
              btw i never type, i'm not a ruiner. i scream in voice chat

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              1-IceTea 🌟

                ^^Did I just saw a 5K scrub said he is best?