General Discussion

General DiscussionGotta just love the stupidity of the Dota community

Gotta just love the stupidity of the Dota community in General Discussion

    Reported and muted by the game for not completely undoing the team's fuck ups and telling them to get off my ass about it.

    Greedy right clicker compositions losing to enemy compositions with actual teamfight power blaming me for eventually feeding too after the enemy had already stomped the rest of them for being trash.

    Why do people expect whoever fed the least for most of the game to completely undo THEIR fuck ups and carry all the weight while they afk farm or ignore the enemy team? And why do people get reported for being unable to do so?


      Usually it's human nature to find something/someone to blame, then group think kicks in (herd mentality), and they single out someone.

      Shit happens

      The Medic Guy



          1: We were the main focus of the enemy team. Team did nothing to help us from the constant crossmap hounding.

          2: I had a relatively good lane, was TRYING to get farm, got chased around the map as my team completely flopped without anyone to completely carry their weight for them through the early and mid game. A PA getting hunted across the map after the rest of her team gets shat on means an inevitable loss.

          3: Read above. Teams couldn't beat the enemy cause no one immediately did ALL the work for them. And frankly a Sniper can't do much against a Slark, Bloodseeker, and Tinker getting fed from a whiny Monkey King that cried about Tinker being broken for having a 4 second blind and burst all game purely because Tinker didn't just roll over and die for him. Tinker was like 5-0 by the time laning phase ended cause of him. Then it just spilled over onto everyone else.

          Super Speed Snail

            Well, losing is happened often to me.

            But flames toward me are rare because I never start it.

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Alright , is that the match you referring is a rank match?


                Well I frankly wasn't starting anything either, I mostly said I needed space to get stuff done, it didn't happen and blame found it's way to me.

                The Medic Guy

                  there is a button in scoreboard HUD, it is called mute button, you can choose to mute either text or sound or both.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    When you get toxic U mute them,u need space u create them,u want to will u do what it takes to get it.
                    Focus on yourequest game play,always ask 'what can I do better'


                      That doesn't stop them from Reporting me and getting me auto muted and sent to low prio because there is ZERO human investigation because I couldn't undo their fuck ups and needed THEM to actually carry their own weight so I could see my point of relevance in a match.

                      The Medic Guy

                        1 or 3 reports wont make you go to low prior instantly, unless you get 5 or more, from 5 or more different parties, then the problem is in you, not them.

                        mute button always work for me.
                        i mute them at the moment he/she flame toxic bullshit in early game, so i won't triggered and read all his/her bullshit for the next 30-40 min in game.
                        i do my part properly (and without flaming other), try my best, and if we lose it because that toxic guy deserve to lose, if we win it because i deserve to win.

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          Only way to overcome this is to not take this game too seriously


                            Don't talk shit and you won't get reported.


                              This fucking guy who said sniper is harder than brood/naga :)

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                mute button always work for me.
                                i mute them at the moment he/she flame toxic bullshit in early game, so i won't triggered and read all his/her bullshit for the next 30-40 min in game.
                                i do my part properly (and when I doing I keep flaming other,they can't talk back because I muted them jajaja), try my best, and if we lose it because that toxic guy deserve to lose, if we win because it because i deserve to win.


                                  Just enjoy your LP, it's just a couple of SD games, and it tests your versatility :)

                                  basement :)

                                    I have my game on mute 90% of the time. I only unmute to rage or trash-talk. Anyway, 1 game does not cause LP. It seems you also like blaming.

                                    Super Speed Snail

                                      You mostly said you need some stuff done.

                                      Can we know how you said it?

                                      Because when this happened, it is whether you ask nicely or not.


                                        No, I got reported in 3 games for not carrying my team and telling them that I can't if none of them carry their own weight and make no space. Especially a Jungle LC that kept going back into the jungle to farm like as if she was the Anti Mage rather than roaming, making map pressure and snowballing.


                                        It takes no skill to constantly sit out of vision, sending out constant tanky, Radiance wielding illusions and diving into inaccessible webbed up trees whenever someone comes to stop them, refusing to leave completely until they get it.

                                        Super Speed Snail

                                          Its not like we not trust you or something.

                                          I also get reported in ranked play despite I always on total mute.

                                          It just those report didnt come that often enough to dump me to low rank.

                                          I get to low prio just because my crappy 3rd world internet connection.


                                            In ns, you need to solo carry your team. Its normal skill man, game is definitely possible to solo carry if you are not stupid enough. Look at you, building silly item low number lh. Improve at this thing and then you can flame them. Look at all of my recent games, i out cs them, kill them in lane. Even if im losing lane solo vs 2 lane winner hero i can still comeback because I encourage my team to smoke gank buy wards dont go greedy. In ns people really value lane winning hero. Brood is a good hero to win lanes and you say that he is easier than sniper. Try to play him right and you will win almost every lane matchup.


                                              I think you played sub par on those 3 games, on the troll warlord you died 11 times, in my server you would be called a "fail mid", also game 1 and 2 you have a sub-300 gpm, especially as a core. So, now you're in LP cause of that.

                                              Make your time in LP be worth it and make you a better player. Trust me, I did much better after LP than before


                                                I had low last hits cause enemy team heavily contested me and constantly ganked and then there's how I have to fight with sub-par greedy teammates that ALL pick right clickers and feed.

                                                Also 'smoke gank and ward up' only works if they're any good. They can't make a smoke gank work if they're all no-CC right clickers and lack the ability to all come together to instantly kill the target. And don't even get me started on the Witch Doctor that constantly left me alone in lane to get constantly harrassed, and never actually did anything in teamfights (no stun into ult combos, heck they didn't even ult once.) Sven did basically no damage and TB simply got negated by Invoker's AoE. I couldn't do anything cause I lacked space to farm and was often hounded for free as minimal attempts at vision control were made and the team never rotated when the enemy started grouping onto a particular lane and just sat around waiting for someone else to deal with it and got mad when no one did. Especially at me since I was the enemy's main target since NO ONE else remotely presented a threat. It was a bunch of unwinnable games cause no one wanted to pull their own weight and lacked the skill to even do so, especially for the sake of a late game carry that needs to farm with the space a team should be making.

                                                I'm not really tilted about it and am moreso annoyed with Dota's report system having no proper human feedback to make sure only the truly punishment worthy reports do anything. And I'd rather not stoop to such a low and playing something as disgusting as Broodmother. Especially since if I climb with her, I won't be able to play something PROPER cause I have no practice in playing more proper heroes at a higher level.


                                                My loss in that match was purely cause I was constantly getting 3-4 man ganked with zero rotations from my team and was getting chased constantly across the map. It's not something I can do anything about and I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking out your ass like as if ONE PERSON from minute 1 can do EVERYTHING, especially win out against uncontested ganks.

                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                4pos pudge/grim only

                                                  well son thats normal skill bracket to you. literally no one doing anything there, and thats includes you (and me, if it even matter).

                                                  and you need to start picking supports more, even tho you like playing carry (or other roles, if that even matter). idk about your team full of carry situation; who pick first, who is the last picker, thats not important tbh. if you want to play some "balanced" team composition, play LP then. theres always someone who gonna pick support in the team.

                                                  and about muting, flaming, and reports, i actually feel sorry for you. sometimes i suck and team blames me (coz the other are 4 stack) and i just say sorry and proceed to play and eventually i never get any reports at the end of the games. but if you actually did something for the team, something that obviously helped the team in the early game, most of the time no one will blame or report you tbh (as long you did not feed too much later in the game).


                                                    Actually, as fx said before, you can solo carry in ns. In ns, keep encouraging your team if they made a good fight, even if you get ks'd. That way the team will get more positive. Also, if you keep getting gangbanged by the enemy, just stick together with your team.

                                                    Btw, if if you f'd up in a game, if you didn't flame or feed or throw, you wouldn't get reported.

                                                    I know I'm just another ns scrub guy, but at least consider my advise to you.

                                                    Edit: I too also like playing midlane/hard carry, one of the most important things to learn if you like playing them, it's positioning, hell positioning is the single most important skill in dota IMO

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      3k! vibes!
                                                      no bkb-!
                                                      all-carry pick!
                                                      blame and report someone !
                                                      cour bring to the battle so it can die and feed enemy..!
                                                      jump and fight without vision!
                                                      dive under tower...and if you die you blame others for not follow you to die with you!
                                                      if you make team wipe ,you dont push raxx ,you to jungle to farm....!no RAXX!

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен


                                                        Playing support in Normal Skill doesn't work cause none of them can carry.


                                                        That's the thing, NOTHING goes right with those sorts of people on the team, there is NOTHING to encourage. Also yes, I WOULD still get reported, because I didn't just accept the blame they placed on me when they did it to themselves.

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          ops a retard

                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            ^kiktard sanpai here :D


                                                              OP wake up! It's fucking normal skill after all. You are not supposed to expect anything from these monkeys you get paired with. Play your game and win alone. If you can't do that just get better until you can. That's the only thing that helps.


                                                                Just relax and play, why get stressed out over things you can't control!

                                                                Play your best and hope for the best !



                                                                  tfw the guy promoting selfish playstyle at this point has better advice than everyone else here.

                                                                  Fair enough. May as well just do that.


                                                                  To be honest, the main point of the post was actually me getting low prio and muted cause people reported me for telling them they needed to carry their own weight and that I wasn't able to do anything while being 4-5 man hounded across the map no matter where I went at all times. And that the lack of actual human input to as if a punishment goes through or not bugs me.

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                    Then tell me, what's the right and wrongs of your teammates. Then tell me what did you do right, and what did you do wrong. Even the simplest complaints.

                                                                    4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                      "playing support in ns doesnt work"


                                                                      Player 123655765
                                                                        Овај коментар је избрисан.
                                                                        The Medic Guy

                                                                          tbh, if you really know how to play sup, you will just own NS easily.

                                                                          by really know, i mean really know.


                                                                            Hmmmmm, really makes you think


                                                                              Stop typing in chat and you won't get reported. Do you really think you're a special snow flake and will get reported even if you don't draw attention to yourself?


                                                                                Or you can just do your own thing, never talk to them, and ignore whatever the fuck your teammates do
                                                                                Kids gets triggered easily, so yea


                                                                                  Try to be positive with your team. Ignore if they flame you for not helping but you are doing the right thing to not help them because you will die if you help. Also you should not complain about your team. See my last game, they are all noob but i created so much space that they can farm even though it was slow. Just watch a lot of video and item build on heroes. Try to spam good mid hero or ganking hero like slark, od, jugg etc. you can see my games though if you want to learn from me.

                                                                                  basement :)

                                                                                    Yes. Your team is stupid but so is the enemy’s. No-one does anything (ward, tp, or help). Abuse that and gank everyone. Since you always get unreliable supports, just go middle. Though, a 1v2 lane should be easy to win. I won most of my off lanes 1v2 at 3.3k.


                                                                                      Stop flaming your teammates

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        1..7k MMR average games, 2 hard man

                                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                                          you're retarded, ty



                                                                                            It's not flaming to say I can't do anything about the fed enemies with no farm or space of my own.


                                                                                            Like I said, the main point here is the lack of human interaction with the reports caused an unjust punishment even though I didn't directly flame and mostly just told people that I couldn't do anything about the problems that happened before I got out of lane. They reported me for being 'trash' because I couldn't undo their fuck ups. Nothing about the difficulty of the game itself. I'm personally not even bothered by the outcomes, I'm bothered by how they're reporting me for not carrying all their weight after making the game much harder than it needed to be.




                                                                                                Hey Guys Im 9k Mmr Player But Me Team Holding Me Back - I Should Be on EG but stupid noob pinoy peruvian teammates not letting me win -.- always feed noob hc ! REPORT!

                                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                  Hey Guys Im 9k Mmr Player But Me Team Holding Me Back - I Should Be on EG but stupid noob pinoy peruvian teammates not letting me win -.- always feed noob hc ! REPORT!

                                                                                                  omg tHIS iS SO mE!!!!!

