General Discussion

General DiscussionTA treads vs phase

TA treads vs phase in General Discussion

    I used to go treads all the time but with the new +25 attack speed at 10 I've been thinking I might try out phases?

    Anyone try these out? The only problem with this is I couldn't tread switch for refraction which was super value.


      Dont ever get threads of you want to end early and dont go for pure right click build. If you want late game go for threads if you need some movement speed to run after 2-3 shot someone get phase

      Riguma Borusu

        ^treads = more dps to towers past about level 5-6

        Treads also let you farm faster. They are okay, but if you need additional mobility of phase, don't go treads. TA actually benefits a lot from attack speed, but chasing is good too, so you'll see what you need in a game, don't blindly build either, adapt to the situation.


          treads are better and now u also ahve movement speed talent

          the realm's delight

            hello sirs could a kind soul in here gift me these 2 items


              Phase is kind of early item where you want to end early while treads is quite later in the game. Phase is good to run after 2-3shotting a supp

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                the realm's delight

                  who tf picks ms talent anyways



                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      and who is ywndota

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        PT are better.

                        I have those items Alisson, but I ain't giving them LUL


                          alison ur taste is shit why wud u want to willingly transform waifu ta into some middle aged china farmer lookalike?

                          >sleek hair
                          >playfully exposed shoulders
                          >flashy hand ornaments
                          >classy V-neck
                          >toned thighs


                            WutFace this thread

                            the realm's delight

                              id kill myself if i had to look at that in game
                              i just wanna replace the head with the cool china hat

                              the realm's delight

                                her skin is ugly i wouldnt show thighs no way
                                ure showing her face too ure taking all her charm away removing the mask

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                                  vohiyo the set ure talking about is probably the worst TA set in the game (imo)

                                  the realm's delight


                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      imo PA better cover her mouth,any skin that not cover is so ugly LuL

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Look, a girl gamer!


                                          U can have my hat Allison it's ugly af ingame

                                          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...



                                              some of the better ta players i know have said the new talents make phase a lot better, although treads is still just generally better cuz it lets u do ancients/rosh a lot easier

                                              25 ias>15 ms on ta

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