General Discussion

General DiscussionNyx Assassin is a fun hero.

Nyx Assassin is a fun hero. in General Discussion

    I'm tired of playing support and tired of being lazy and not playing ranked... I've been losing quite a bit more games then winning with my friends but its all fun and we're having a great time still...

    I feel like spamming Nyx Assassin for the rest of my useless life as I slowly try and reach 4K. (and of course some other heroes here and there)

    What is the best way to itemize him (in general)

    I have done Mana Boots > Aether Lens > Blink Dagger

    Or is it better to do Blink Dagger before Aether Lens?

    Other Questions
    - Is Aghanim's Scepter a situational item on Nyx or core? (whether it be we are teamfighting a lot or highground defense/pushing towers)
    - When to get Dagon? Should it only be picked up if I need some instagib action only?
    - What other 1/2 items should I get after Blink Dagger/Aether Lens (or whatever else you suggest)

    Bonus questions
    - What range of 3K bracket do you think half-assed supports start buying sentries (like the 4 carry team with a Death Prophet/Necro/Veno half assed support) lol...
    - Who is a player(s) I could stalk... I mean study about Nyx Assassin for (that can play both support and core Nyx)? (3800-5000 MMR)
    - Best/favorite set/equipment yo boy should get for Nyx hats?



      blink and lens are a bad combo, lens is only purchased jointly with aghs. rush blink or skip it.
      aghs is always good, sometimes even great. its a core item.
      never go dagon unless you are looking to lose the game on purpose.
      u can also start with midas right after arcanes.

      generally, arcanes=>midas=>aghs=>lens=>something (eul, ghosts, force, blink, hex, bkb). octarine is not as good as it seems.

      all the sets are relatively ugly, but there are couple of cool (and expensive) single items - immortal claws and dagon.


        Thanks I will look into these builds with your guidance and see if it helps me.

        Also what heroes should I look into banning core/support the most? And if you can is it for laneing or teamfight wise?

        Right now for me I still struggle a bit more in Laneing phase so I don't know if that helps.


          a lot of ppl kick ur sorry carapaced ass in the laning stage, but generally its a pain to play against pudge, void, vengeful spirit, bat, NS


            start with PMS


              see my nyx games


                Okay, I played against a Vengeful Spirit, that was annoying lol. I picked up the Hand of Midas and went straight for the Aghanims. The build is a thing of beauty. I don't know how lucky I'll be with other games, my team was pretty great anyway. I'll be doing this build more. Hopefully the timing of items come in at shorter times. My Disruptor wasn't too sure about my Midas pickup but I had faith it would work out.

                Should I START with a PMS or just buy it from the side shop.

                I also of course still need to work on other mechanics such as last hitting. I'm still terrible at that but don't quote me on that lol ¬¬

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                  Dagon and urn hahaha toxic


                    u want to start with a mango or two so u dont have enoughm oney to buy pms straight away. u get it from the side shop, or (in most ccases) skip it and leave the normal shield


                      Triple I see you don't have urn in your build there. Is there a reason not to get it on Nyx?


                        start with 5 mangos


                          Brpwn boots dagon rush for ez reports