General Discussion

General DiscussionPatch 7.02

Patch 7.02 in General Discussion
This disunity must end.

    Patch 7.02
    Arc Warden:
    Arc Warden Movement speed increased from 285-300
    Arc Warden Attack range reduced from 625 to 550
    BAT improved from 1.7 to 1.5
    BAD reduced by 5

    Flux slow reduced from 20/30/40/50 % to 5/10/15/20%
    Flux Damage per Second rescaled from 15/30/45/60 to 10/18/26/32
    Flux Cast Range Reduced from 500/600/700/800 to 250/400/550/600
    Flux duration Reduced from 6 seconds to 3 Seconds

    Spark wraith duration reduced from 50 seconds to 35 seconds
    Spark wraith Activation delay increased from 2 seconds to 3.5 seconds
    Spark Wraith Cooldown increased from 4 to 6 seconds
    Spark wraith Cast range reduced from 2000 to 1200
    Spark wraith now gives back him original flying vision

    Tempest double cast animation increased from 0.20 to flat 1 second
    Cooldown increased from 60/50/40 to 80/65/40
    Duration reduced from 12/14/16 to 9/12/15

    Added scepter:
    Zet The Arc Warden with the scepter now removes the item restriction on tempest double except for ward, sentry and tome of knowledge; gains experience from his clones too; will get to keep the duel damage and cooldown resets on each cast but can no longer auto attack unless he is inside his magnetic field



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          wait no fuck you


            not sure if troll or pathetic


              Arc Warden:
              Hero removed from the game.


                major nerf for arc


                  i really dont know why would someone want to nerf a hero that has %38 avarage winrate and %45-%46 winrate above 5k+ mmr

                  you dont even see that hero often its literally 5th least picked hero ingame

                  Giff me Wingman



                      Spectre agility gain changed to 2.6
                      Spectre strength gain changed to 2.8
                      Spectral dagger mana cost changed from 130/140/150/160 to 100
                      Spectral dagger damage type changed to pure
                      Spectral dagger debuff pierces through Spell Immunity
                      Spectral dagger effect radius changed from 125 to 200
                      Desolate radius changed from 325 to 200
                      Desolate damage rescaled to 40/55/70/85
                      Dispersion maximum radius increased to 1250
                      Dispersion damage reflection rescaled from 10%/14%/18%/22% to 10%/30%/50%/70%
                      Illusions now carry dispersion
                      Haunt illusions now benefits from bonus damage, and any attack modifier
                      Haunt duration rescaled to 8/9/10
                      Haunt cooldown rescaled to 100/90/80


                        really nigga? u just made spectre a god Lul.....


                          patch 7.03 arc warden changed to ranged creep


                            Can arc get a buff plz. He's been nerfed enough. All I want is an increase to move speed or armor, just one of those, please...pretty please


                              this is fake right?