General Discussion

General Discussioncan anybody get me out of low priority

can anybody get me out of low priority in General Discussion

    pretty please



      one syllable anglo-saxon

        i wanted to leave a joke about how ur country was sent to low priority after both wws and dint cry about that
        but i couldn't structure it well enough for it to be short and funny
        so man up and take this punishment like a man


          sir we are talking about a video game, and i cba to play single draft with 4ks & get reported

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            then don't


              indeed, actually i might just kepe playing on my smurf becuase getting lp every few games is R E T A R D E D


                maybe u should stop doing whatever you're doing that gets you put in lpp

                not arin

                  maybe u should stop doing whatever you're doing that gets you put in lpp





                      HAHAAHA ur all in low prio while I'm abandonign games left and right and I still don't get in there AHAHAHAAHAHAAH FeelsGoodMan


                        get some 1k friends loser

                        best lp games when i q with them


                          i have a 1.7k acct thats in low priority, if you want xD


                            i mean idk you can say xD but i played like 10+games of techies in a row, flamed everyone in my games and was a general dick but i didn't get lowprio so i assume you truly have to be an awful person to get it that often

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              dude you literally have to just disconnect from a game 2 times a month... if your team don't pause you get an abandon, 2 abandons = low prio...


                                i meant getting it from reports, if you're abandoning games then you deserve it for sure


                                  well yea, having dickhead teammates who unpause so you get an abandon on purpose really means you deserve low priority :P (abandon on purpose is very much different, sure) but seriously i agree that getting low prio from reports is something special and im not sure how people get it.

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    i get it from reports, i usually got all chat muted, never feed intentionally nor abuse abilities

                                    it's simple:

                                    -rape a lot and u get reported by ur enemies

                                    -never play parties to increase likelihood of getting lp

                                    -play a lot of core and u will get blamed when you lose

                                    -have a few bad games

                                    -get reported in lp

                                    it usually only takes me 2-3 reports outside of lp to send me back into lp, which is quite triggering.

                                    casual gamer

                                      ^afeect not me Xd


                                        idk if you want to play "high skill" average LP games with my low acct tell me, otherwise idgaf about ever getting it out of low prio.


                                          ye just add me if you like (with ur main or w/e so i got contact with u)


                                            well ive added you.

                                            btw i dont do this to get out of low prio easily rather just bored as i could easily get out of lp solo as its a low mmr acct.

                                            i guess some other day maybe

                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              -rape a lot and u get reported by ur enemies

                                              -never play parties to increase likelihood of getting lp

                                              -play a lot of core and u will get blamed when you lose

                                              -have a few bad games

                                              -get reported in lp

                                              i play almost exclusively core, almost exclusively solo, and get quite a few bad games(especially recently), still don't get reports(at least not more than 2)/lp

                                              getting reported for stomping is just rofl, this is maybe every 15th report at most
                                              yea surely u're getting reported by enemies for stomping 👌


                                                maybe behavior score? higher report sensibility? idk

                                                all i can tell u is that i dont ever ruin games and im not toxic either, i don't pingspam, blame, use mic, and im not commanding my team either (unless its necessary, i.e. go rosh)


                                                  it might be that i still appear toxic to other people somehow, but idk why that would be the case. might wanna remove chatkey + voicekey + chatwheel

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    idk man i call enemy team fa ggot coc ksuckers for BM pauses, but im not reported

                                                    not arin

                                                      i mean idk you can say xD but i played like 10+games of techies in a row, flamed everyone in my games and was a general dick but i didn't get lowprio so i assume you truly have to be an awful person to get it that often

                                                      i can say xD because it's fairly obvious that you have 0 clue how does low prio system work


                                                        i can say xD because i queued onto you on my other acc, carried you while you bitched and fed all game and i'm very sure i know exactly why you're in lowprio


                                                          I never ever report someone for stomping me so that is definitely not the reason or part of it. Don't always mute everyone or you'll be that guy who seems to never listen or cooperate

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            Lul you're supposed to be a 5k player so why are you crying about getting reported by your teammates


                                                              idk what u mean, do u mean that 5k+ players dont get reported? smh


                                                                i can say xD because i queued onto you on my other acc, carried you while you bitched and fed all game and i'm very sure i know exactly why you're in lowprio

                                                                i havent played on that smurf for several months
                                                                even if you mean this account, then i highly doubt we got matched since i get to 5k avg maybe in 1 out of 5 games when i queue in 4 am or so

                                                                and even if all of this you say happened, then you're still missing the point
                                                                im more or less fine with getting low prio after flaming every single person on my team and going afk because they make the game as hard and unenjoyable for me as possible
                                                                i also agree that i have games where im tilted and just get mad over some dumb shit and refuse to play afterwards

                                                                but how is it anyhow reasonable to be nearly forced to make a new account as soon as you get low prio because all you need is a handful of reports regardless if you typed out shit in chat or not to get in again without any hope to retrieval you fucking autist
                                                                how is it okay that spunki got to low prio nearly every other day without saying jackshit in all chat or having everyone muted even while winning most of his games
                                                                how is it okay that im getting stacked with 4 people spam pinging me and shouting at me in russian while im solo supporting my ass off to win yet i'm the one who gets punished because im not sucking dicks of those monkeys
                                                                how is it okay that singsing's getting lowprio after he's STACKING WITH 4 OTHER PEOPLE AND OPPONENTS ARE STILL SENDING HIM TO LOW PRIO EVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T DO LITERALLY ANYTHING TO RUIN THE GAME

                                                                bet you'll now say that i proved your point by this angery response but oblivious people like you have been continuously ruining the game for past several years and it's pretty irritating

                                                                please go back to reddit or just end yourself, thanks


                                                                  I meant if you get reported, you get reported. And mostly 1k-3k scrubs are the ones complaining about toxic players. Keep your cool fam.


                                                                    still not sure what u mean, do u mean that 4k+ people do not report for toxicity? probably you are right, since they're mostly toxic themselves and report anybody for anything.


                                                                      i'm sorry my reply brought out this response, i wasn't really mad at you or anything and i think what i said was not what i really meant at the time. i think what you say is pretty valid, the report system surely still needs some tweaking. i just thought in your case it might be accurate for some reasons, can't say for op since i haven't played with him

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                        well i was watching w33 stream and hes in low priority coz he got reported


                                                                          "getting lp every few games is R E T A R D E D"

                                                                          idk man in all ~5700 games of dota i have played i have never gotten LP from reports. or muted.