General Discussion

General DiscussionTa feels like a better pa

Ta feels like a better pa in General Discussion

    Ta has reliable damage, aoe slow, free vision, faster farming, also she is ranged. Why does pa have much higher win rate? Am I missing something, is blur just a broken mechanic?(Not the evasion, the mini-map icion thing)

    Riguma Borusu

      those two heroes are as similar as earthshaker and slardar


        Spamming dagger is very strong in mid , pa have a better in/out fight.

        Ta is very strong mid but she want mid to farm more than running around the map killing stuffs

        Blur is just an effective hp increase vs some line up

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          those two heroes are as similar as earthshaker and slardar


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          Giff me Wingman

            PA scales better than TA, has insane range on her dagger and can oneshot supports without risking anything, PA also doesn't need mobility items in order to be mobile meaning dmg items can be farmed even faster. No to mention level 25 talent of PA is retarded.


              Pretty sure ta scales better than pa, but ok.


                ^i feel like PA have better itemization for the late game tbh (boot-abyssal-skadi-satanic-bkb-some damage item) while TA looks kinda squishy in the late game when her Q drops

                Giff me Wingman

                  Ok, explain how does TA scales better. Can't wait to see your argument.

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    Theoretically 6 slotted ta wins a 1vs1 fight against pa. What's pa's counter play against 9 refraction charges, if refraction is well timed enough, pa has to deal with 18 charges. What's the counter play desides right clicking? Buy an urn?
                    But this would never happen, since Dota is a team game.


                      TA doesn't scale particularly well into the late game.


                        in a closed system probably so but you have to keep in mind that PA is a top-tier when it come to perma bash with abyssal once she gets enough attack speed in late game.


                          ^that is true. Neither does pa.


                            pa is also a lot easier to play and is not punished as hard for positioning errors. Pa is also much better at fighting in a 1 v X situation. Pa also needs less items to become terrifying


                              Pa is so fucking weak carry she can only carry snowball team, her mid game could be very very strong but late game she is far away from heroes like luna, sven, etc....ta is stronger but her skill cap is way higher thats why that global can play every tard better or worse but even bad player can sometimes carry game as pa ..its not same with those guys who can carry only as pa will tell me off


                                both can be countered hardly so..


                                  Pa scales better but ta snowballs harder. Pa can 2 shot supports but ta can do it reliably and often. There are a lot of differences cuz their different heroes so i dont see why everyone is name a bunch of em.


                                    Both falls off late, both deal burst physical damage, both have a slow, both and snowball(ta snowballs with farm, pa snowballs with kills) what's why I'm conparing them.


                                      Ta is better mid and farming hero. So she is better in most games. She does more damage than pa and can build bloodtorn.


                                        Elder titan also deals physical damage in bursts, falls of late, snowballs his team through ganks, and has a slow.


                                          U can bloodthorn in pa too


                                            PA can wipe out an entire team with the correct build, TA on the other hand can't, as she'll rely too much on teammates that can tank for her. PA can take hard hits and go BKB if there are nukes, and the crit+lifesteal just gives her full health again. TA goes hard on the damage, but after that, she'll just die if she's double/triple teamed.


                                              Because PA is a braindead hero and TA isn't
                                              Why do you think naga consistently has 45% winrate and heroes like chen, io, etc has sub 40% winrate


                                                Yup. Q, W, BKB, and just right click.


                                                  But but but AM also does that


                                                    ^You usually get manta for AM so you have to control that, and also check the mana of the opponent if you plan to Mana Void. So AM requires a few more things to do

                                                    Story Time

                                                      the debate reminds me about the classical disagreements: pepsi versus cola, apple versus PC, etc.


                                                        Lion feels like a better lina

                                                        he has easy to land stun, hex, mana drain, and insane damage ulti like omg he just killed me by R-ing woaw
                                                        why is lina better tho? is it because of her broken boobs?