General Discussion

General DiscussionHALP! (Team is making me stay at 2k)

HALP! (Team is making me stay at 2k) in General Discussion
Bobby knuckles

    I would like to find out Why the fuck am I getting reported? Reported for winning games? Dafuq. Also I would like some tips to get out of 2k plz ..

    Giff me Wingman

      because low skilled people dislike getting rekt.


        halp plez, me tu kay need halp

        me tvelve baj de vaj HaHaa

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          Why PL tho?


            u prolly say something bad to make them report u.i suggest less talking and more playing

            Story Time

              i report people who tell me to shutup during the picking of heros :D *bless* those self centered *creatures* who will not let me know their roles


                halp plez, me tu kay need halp


                  the problem in 2k is,how to fight PA and slark, LOLz, go pick some nuker magic hero dude, spam it.
                  sorry for mah bad eng.


                    So many people got baited

                    Bobby knuckles

                      Except my last conduct summary, previous 2 had 10 commends 0 reports and 11 commends 0 reports respectively. Still I get the most toxic (to quote chi long qua)shit stains who throw a fucking fit and lose their shit even if I say something as simple as "they have 5 fucking carries and I'm 10-0 with sf we can end the game now". Nope, they would follow that up with some dumb shit like "DONT TEACH ME 2K PIG" and proceed to afk jungle and get caught in lanes making the most retarded plays, apes want to farm so they can look good in team fights with dagons. I'm actually convinced that in this mmr team who has more carries wins the game, if you have 2 supports and they have 4 carries you lose the game unless you go 25+ kills in every single game and basically shit on everyone ending the game at 25 mins on your own (which is what I'm doing in most of my games that I won). Even in that case there is no winning because you will get reported by the opposition. Fuck this mmr. I wonder what its like if you have a bad conduct summary at 2k since I have a fairly decent summary and still getting this shit.

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                        Get gud stop talk likemy trash friend adi medic


                          Get gud stop talk likemy trash friend adi medic


                            As someone who plays mainly support I have to agree and disagree with your statment "in this mmr team who has more carries wins the game" :p

                            I agree because:
                            -Half of the time someone will be forced to pick support. But he will not play support, he will just buy the courrier and then play as a carry.
                            -People don't know how to finish, if nobody take the lead they will just stay in front of the enemy tier 3 tower without doing anything.
                            -At some point your carry will dive like crazy and let the enemy comeback which is really bad if they have 5 hard carry.

                            I disagree because when I play support:
                            -It's really easy to abuse the team that have more carry.
                            -Half of the time I have someone that is willing to play support. Then I can play roaming support and help to win all the lanes.
                            -I can punish all those invi hero with detection and make sure my carry can farm safely.

                            So, yes in 2K mmr it's often the team with the most carry that win. But if you have someone that is willing to play support or if you are willing to play support that won't be the case. If you want to play carry in a team that have already 4 carry, you need to be way better than your mmr or to rely on the enemy team being retardated.


                              I though the team who has me will win 80% of the time