General Discussion

General DiscussionYour worst hero learning attempts

Your worst hero learning attempts in General Discussion
all role player

    earth spirit and sf. this hero is paper and their skill need accuracy.
    but im good at mirana tho :/


      Heroes that require Blink dagger to make plays.:(


        Mid heroes in general. I'm a safelane core only player and never paid much attention to other positions.
        I could prob lose mid to 1k players it's that bad


          I have never won a game on venge.

          casual gamer

            venge is so good though ;_;

            Lord Somerset

              Gordan bennett that venge is living on the bread line


                definitely ember spirit, I know what to do and how, but mechanicaly I still fail sometimes


                  Obviously Meepo but also Drow, Sniper, Kotl, and Ursa.

                  Président® Salted Butter

                    322 gpm, coincidence? I don't think so...

                    Massive Dynamic

                      I tried learning Arc Warden before he got dumpstered. Played 6 matches and didn't win any of them. I'm also really bad at Slark, I currently have a 20% winrate over 8 games.

                      QTG 幸せ

                        Am and invoker i think


                          i tried to learn Ebola spirit
                          i tortured myself for 100+ games with about 20% winrate


                            Anyone wanna see my QoP?


                              Every new hero released.


                                I remember when I first started playing Dota and I build a dragon lance on literally every strength hero because I thought the stats were good.

                                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                    Io 15% winrate after 20 games. Not good.

                                    Farm then Carry

                                      My OD winrate is pretty self-explanatory. 12.50% I don't why I still try.


                                        Still higher winrate than my alche LUL


                                          Playing as Lina without using stun lmao.

                                          Starting items is dual null talisman because i need attribute

                                          First core items is aghanim so i can roast em up efficiently

                                          Next, i buy crimson guard to make a tank lina because im retarded

                                          There is something worse than my previous attempt. Back in dota 1 i learned to play crystal maiden to build crystalis because i thought its her favourite weapon

                                          casual gamer

                                            Erase Humanity

                                              Slardar, Venom, Riki, Centaur, Mirana


                                                Alchemist for me, i had a challenge with him and failed many times. Played him for about 8 games and lost everyone. Earth Spirit is my worst so far but I want to play him so badly so I will keep trying.


                                                  Fucking TA.

                                                  GRANT MACDONALD

                                                    Bara: always feel like i start 5-0-9 and have immense amounts of impact then yolo into the wrong fight, get wiped and never recover

                                                    Use chatwhell=mute

                                                      Am invoker chen meepo.