General Discussion

General DiscussionL e a g u e s + S o l o s k i l l

L e a g u e s + S o l o s k i l l in General Discussion

    Hello, Dotabuff community.

    I'm now extrimely interested in rising my soloskill level.
    So, for you i got 2 questions:
    1) What are the ways of fast improvement you know? I mean for an ADVANCED player.
    Things like watching replays and playing more competetives are well understood.
    2) What are good leagues exist nowadays?
    I've heard a lot about Faceit, but better players always told that it's the league for 1k scum.
    May be there are any good Eu/Ru inhouses, which are still on-line?


      faceit itself is garbage, but decent tournaments run their qualifier using this platform sometimes

      joindota is by far the best league out there, but its on a break since august and no one knows when it gonna be back

      esl and starladder are kinda ok, but the sheduling system there, as well as the share of russian players, make the experience a bit questionable

      esportal ladder is good, dota athletes is fun but garbage, then there are ad2l and rd2l, but those two aint rly great.

      besides that, there exist a lot of minor regional tournaments and scrim groups.

      and, for gods sake, dont ever call 4.6k mmr level "advanced", ppl gonna laugh at you

      Овај коментар је измењен

        4.6 is less than 10% of players. Its quiet enought to be "advanced" but that doesnt mean that players of 4k bracket even good at this game. (real good)
        Btw, is it all like team-ladders, or i can play solo on those platforms?

        1-IceTea 🌟

          4.6 is garbage,a player that don't play lane (which mean like don't play dota) can hit 4.6 it proven anyone below is total garbage.
          Do you agree?

          Овај коментар је измењен

            Its hard not to be agree with
            But even 5k+ are garbage.
            Being good always mean being best, than 5k+ players are not even close to be best at this game.


              W h a t
              I s
              A b o u t
              L e a g u e s


                I'm interested in especial in leag, wher i'd be able to play cm without a team.


                  For fuck sake, just play rankeds, get 6k, create a thread on joindota, get picked up by a mix, disband in a month, repeat...
                  You cant improve fast without playing a SHIT TON of games.
                  1st you have to get some mechanical skill, going to a team is pretty much pointless for 4ks, imo.. You cant really use the advantage of playing CM, because you cant even use your heroes properly.


                    its not advanced in the context of leagues, and its not top10%, its ~top0.5% or a bit higher. just that for the leagues its considered kinda low.

                    i think most leagues work for teams only and its pretty easy to find one. rd2l is for solo players but its crap.
                    then there are nel/cdec, but those two are
                    a) aimed at decent players and invitational
                    b) not in your region.

                    in general, its better to find a stack rather than to play solo.


                      Thank you all for your feedback


                        honestly 4k players usually have issues PTFO. If you fix that and learn some farming patterns then u're already 5k+.

                        Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                          yo what's PTFO?


                            PLAY THE FUCKING OBJECTIVE


                              Sorry for caps


                                I've been getting 5k 2 times already, but had a half-year pauses in Dota, so I'm still a garbage.
                                What are u talking about now is actualy clear for me, but i'm honestly poor at microskills. (Searching for teamfights, checking inventories and i just dont want to play meta-heroes most of the time.)

                                Other problem is that i just doont feel my team. I cant get when i should ignore their fights for NO REASON and when should i joint them to crash an oposite team.
                                And that doesnt mean that i dont understend what is my objective now, it's just feels like being not enought expirienced. Most of the time i know, what is the right action now, but still comin with mates and DIE.


                                  How am I the first one? You guys are lacking

                                  G i t G u d

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