General Discussion

General DiscussionBeen playing dota for almost a year and still cant get to vhs bracket

Been playing dota for almost a year and still cant get to vhs bracket in General Discussion

    i also played about a year and few a months, got in vhs, but there are still dumb shitheads, even tho i'm a scrub also xd


      yea its easy to talk like this daddy when you are nowhere near the skill levl of the person youre talking to. you probably didnt even experience the games when you have to play 100% flawless and perfect or otherwise you have a 99% chance of losing the game due to having a completely trashy team while the enemy is tryharding and playing well.

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        Hmm... 600 gpm in a losing game?
        I remember watching your twitch 15 days ago as a lifestealer on your smurf, you didn't played trash but you were way lower in gpm :P

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          Good gpm without game presence lmao


            Im not saying it doesnt happen. Im saying that in the long run, u cant blame trashy teammates, cuz ur in all of those games while these teammates who are bad r just as likely to be on the opposite team.


              you cant blame your teammates in the long run yeah, but i swear i had trash team every goddamn ranked game i played today and i had to comeback every game and in almost every case i was the one to make it possible even though i was playing a fucking position 5 riki.

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                Ye in a couple games it can happen. But even then im sure you couldve played better, even if you wud still lose. My point is that this whole trash teammates argument just doesnt hold up in the long scale grind for vhs.


                  the hardest part is adapting the mentality of "all my team is complete shit and useless retards" and just go play 1v9 when they already picked 3 cores and a midas jungler.


                    honestly i dont think i can really remember a normal skill ranked game when my team -wasnt- complete trash that i wouldnt be forced to solo carry, even from the 5th position...

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                      That may still be true but even then, the enemy team shud on average have the same amount of retards as ur team. And if ur not climbing (which idk if u are or arent) then u r just as bad. That mentality also hinders ur improvement. There is just no reason for anyone to think that if they want to gain mmr.


                        i just need to get good enough to solo carry my 3k games no matter what. just like i would solo carry my 2k games.


                          @OP don't listen to most people that post here, considering they are likely the same mmr as u/not much higher

                          if you want to reach hs/vhs, improve on ur gameplay in general, starting with the basics (how to last hit, how to control a lane, what items to buy, when to push, ...) & stop smurfing because it won't get you anywhere.


                            also what you say is only statistically true if your mmr is smaller than the enemy top average. on top of that im like the unluckiest person i know so its no surprise i get dogshit team in 90% of my games when my enemy tryhards almost every time.

                            also my mmr here is same (party mmr even smaller) as my main, i just play here coz i got nice skins and music pack as well as low priority on main.

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                              ^maybe if u bothered to read any of our pleb not vhs advice thats is obviously so horrible then u wud see that mmr itself doesnt mean u cant have the knowledge of how ti gain it. It just means ur poor at executing it. In fucking tired of all ur ayy lmao blue star cancerous elitism, please do the world a favor and take your own life.


                                Lmao not u desolated


                                  Ok, if you believe that you do not belong the MMR you are in (which all 2ks are fond of saying), follow my advice.

                                  1. Try to play in a internet cafe or on another PC and make a smurf account there---- Making a smurf on the same PC carries your
                                  previous pub MMR. So if you are normal skill in your previous account which is logged in on your pc, you will start on normal skill on your smurf.

                                  2. Again, go stomp normal skill on your smurf then voila you will be moved in HS or VHS in a few games.

                                  3. Well, if you can't get to it, then git gud.


                                    ^lmao dont listen to this. The game will figure out if ur shit or not rather quickly and drop/bump you to ur real mmr regardless.



                                      feelsbadman intentional feeding in low priority as well as stacking with a 1k friend kinda putme into normal skill for a while again :v

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                                        it has nothing to do with being blue star or elitism - you are awful at dota, and so is your advice (what advice did u give anyway? i only read OP I SRETARDED XD SMURFING DOESNT GIVE MMR YOURE A CUCK!! YOU GET MMR BY WINNING GAMES")

                                        always funny how u get triggered over nothing and bash "ayy lmao elitism" xd

                                        //developing a 1v9 mentality is DEFINETLY NOT the way to go


                                          nah daddy if you have to solo win every game you play means you are too low on mmr. luckily i still have calibration left for me.


                                            i like all the adventurous theories in this thread, its amazing


                                              it is if you want to win normal skill.

                                              if u rely on your teammates to not be shit in 3k mmr, you gonna lose games i guarantee.

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                                                going for 1v9 makes sense if you actually are above the MMR you are currently at, but for OP (and majority of the players) this is NOT the case. There is no point insulting/flaming/stealing lanes from people that are just as good (or as bad) of a carry/mid as you are

                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  I didn't read a single comments on this post,buthe for a Dota player overall if you can stay 3K above before 1 year of Dota will be considered not too bad.
                                                  Take it slow,learn bit byou bit you won't go pro anyway


                                                    actually 1v9 is exactly what loses you games, considering everybody internalizes this kind of attitude and thus goes to feed when they don't get mid/carry and "can't climb mmr"


                                                      @Daddy Chill dude, I'm just helping out a fellow Dota 2 player.


                                                        play aba, ez mmr

                                                        kunst 2

                                                          Check my unranked/ranked, maybe you will learn something new about it.

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                                                            @Cheshire im not gonna chill cuz ur not helping ur feeding false info



                                                              Straight into a conclusion, eh? False info? Did you even give me the benefit of the doubt?

                                                              I think you better try it, maybe you can get out of normal skill.

                                                              Oh, I suppose you're taking this game seriously, as you cannot chill, yet you are still a normal skill pleb?

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                I dont baby rage and i always do what i should do to help my team i even wards even when im a carry


                                                                  Thank you very much im doing it tho, i know right basics help later
                                                                  this will probably my last smurf ty


                                                                    i always stomp in normal skill games i stomp 3/5 on my games when i use comfortable heroes but nah its just getting boring sometimes :L


                                                                      ive been playing for 8 months actually, i have 2500 mmr atm


                                                                        Don't listen to these blue stars who fell into a cauldron of skill and have never been in the trench. They do not know how to get out of the slums. The people who can help are those that have shared the same water, breathed the same air, as the monkeys. And they have found a way out. They can tell you how. Those born with a silver spoon in their mouth will never understand the sweat of hard work and rage.

                                                                        Player 404335202

                                                                          ^ i m crying :-D nailed it lul

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                                                                                ^ only 20? What about 50 games?

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                                                                                        ^ you see what I mean folks. High mmr autists aristocrats been up in their castles so long they don't know what it's like living on the streets. XD

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                                                                                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                                              Once in awhile they leave their homes in their silk robes and wander among the peasantry, just to marvel at the primitive nature of the street folk and comment on their savagery. They may even throw some gold coins into the crowd to watch the children tear each other apart.

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                                                                                                  No no. This is not about the institutions keeping people down. This is about pure caste loving bigotry. Differences exist amongst people for sure. Some are just asses about it.


                                                                                                    I'm just trolling you btw kr. Don't take it so seriously. Or is it autism preventing you from appreciating my humor


                                                                                                      HUmOR HahaHA