General Discussion

General Discussionlook at this 02 feeders

look at this 02 feeders in General Discussion

    Hello everyone.

    I know feeder is common thing in Dota, but look at this match... This Qop was still insist in time of pick with invoker by the mid and simply started the feed for not having caught the lane. During the whole match did not give up the feed and Luna decides joined w him.

    Not to mention the couriers QoP bought and give at all game. Not satisfied, since the adversary team could not win, qop started with excessive pings and random racists offenses.

    Two feeders, 50min. The sad thing, report not will make a difference in this guy's Dota life

    Sry my poor translate english, hoho


      Shit happens once in awhile, just move on and introspect yourself, find what mistakes did you make, fix them, how could that game be won, etc

      casual gamer

        this games fucking awful


          Tbh i wud abandon. I wud love to report them and often times i stay for shits and giggles, but its usually a waste of time.


            Honestly the worst part is enemy teams who commend feeders.

            casual gamer

              i say i will and then i report them

              Catsys Rivers


                Lich told me to support cause I was a feeding idiot and he would carry us. So I did. And we won happily ever after :3


                  Lmao fuck feeders. Instead you have to propose to the enemy waifu and see if they bring their whole team to kill you or take the ring of protection and accept marriage.


                    tbh if someone steals a lane i marked first i'm running down mid and feeding

                    same happens if team starts flaming me and i feel its undeserved


                    we were winning until i threw all my items on the floor and started running mid (bad team starts flaming me for not tp-ing after i tell them my tp is on cd)

                    BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                      gud on u


                        @BoJack u fucking cry baby little shit i sincerely hope you die you whiny little fuck boi. "Oh my team flamed me a bit waaaaaah BabyRage waaaaaah imma feed now" end it all u fucking waste of life.