General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is your last resort hero

what is your last resort hero in General Discussion

    Another question JDF8

    I know abby does well against duo lane, but what if your against a trilane ? Do you iron talon jungle the offlane camps until your fat enough to go after them?

    what is the build, Boots ( which type?) and then start making the Helm cause its silly with 8 hp regen, plus if you get that styry guy its goes up to 14. or do you medalion first?

    Thanks !!!

    casual gamer

      i block creeps to fuck up equilibrium and give me free xp

      this is working unusually well because im in low average games where theres not some 6k pos 1 player who just magically neutralizes wave equilibrium

      ive been going brown boot talon (wind lace, raindrop, wand, headress) phase hotd -> medallion. with phase hotd talon and the damage talent you farm really fast. multiple games in a row ive just brute force spammed people out of lane with coil spam and then farmed the lane. with the 4211 build its really easy to just burst the shit out of people and its free kills with any +1

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Lifestealer probably.

        Feichang Gaoxing

          Not to mention his lvl 20 and 25 talents. 100% win when u get to lvl 25. Just spam aphotic shield to team mates and coil enemies. You can even win with abaddon effortlessly without getting to lvl 20.

          Volvo pls don't nerf my abaddon 😞

          [ Crisis- ]

            I focus on pushing with Luna

            casual gamer

              gave my mk an ultrakill in lpq because he has 10% hp in his ult and they continuously ran in to try to kill him while i healed over and over

              chae chae

                Earth spirit for some reason. Trying to recover my mmr using this hero works for me right now


                  Oracle, can turn around teamfight situation

                  wow. ow.

                    invoker. throw 10 spells straight at the enemy. watch them hide in the fountain.


                      Shadow Fiend first pick mid.

                      Fee Too Pee

                        cancers offlaners : axe , necro


                          All time it's AM. Right now it's Luna.


                            League of legends


                              Weaver or PA

                              casual gamer

                                what is it about abaddon that gives him the mystical ability to generate 20 minute ranked victories


                                  Hello jdf thx for void lessons 10-1 this patch haHAA