General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I ready for Ranked ?

Am I ready for Ranked ? in General Discussion

    I am basically new to dota. I started playing a few months ago. Now, I reached level 20 and good with some heroes Juggernaut , Riki. I can manage to play some heroes and remaining I suck. Do u think I can play ranked now ? Since, I am still in NS , I don't expect more than 2.5K. Should I wait or something ? Need some good advice. I too want to reach high mmr, it being hard. I should get from this stage now. Advice. Thanks, please be nice.


      new to dota = smurf


        No if ur just 2 months in and u calibrate at 2.5k thats kinda retarded. It means u have some natural moba skill, i calibrated many more months after u and hit 900 mmr.


          Tbh it doesnt matter when u calibrate it shudnt change anything


            Not Smurf salza

            Dark Hunter

              Calibrate when you feel like you understand the game enough to win games. Ranked games are not your casual games. People try a lot harder to win.

              I made teh mistake of calibrating after 2-3 months and calibrated at 850ish mmr. only after play for more than a year now (almost 2) i can say i understand the game and start climbing.
              It even took me a few months to get over 1k. So i'd say wait at least a year before you calibrate if you're really that conserned about mmr


                You're always ready for rank. Doesn't matter if you lose. You're not gonna learn anything from normal games. This is not lol, you should always play ranked.

                Bandicoot Cheddarcheese

                  Personally, I would suggest that you play every hero once first. That way, you have some knowledge of what each hero is capable of doing.

                  Edit: Doesn't have to be in a normal match, bot games can be fine.

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    Fine. When I get a good understanding, I would play some best picks in ranked. I would like to see where I stand.


                      If you don't know every hero in the game, don't play ranked.Not that ranked is super versatile but you should have that much of a game knowledge at least.


                        Playing ranked = Luna/jugg/ember/sf/invoker/antimage. Understand those heroes and you're good to go


                          Pub games aren't dota actually
                          Even on subhuman mmr bracket


                            You'd learn faster due to the more competitive enviroment of ranked matches
                            Pubs are generally sloppy, cancerous, and undisciplined compared to ranked even in dogshit mmr like 2k and below

                            Use chatwhell=mute

                              Calibrate ur rank by other good players then. Play normal matchmakings like 3 month

                              Use chatwhell=mute

                                2k mmr is just shit rank when i started play dota2. Dota2 was my moba game. How to improve is basically play with good and talented pppl. But unfortunally these ppl are rly few

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  ^You can git gud by yourself


                                    I played ranked as soon as i cud and ended up with 900mmr. Now 2yrs later my solo is 2.9k and party mmr is 2.5k. I suggest u dont play ranked immediately cuz climbing is waay harder than caliberating.


                                      Climbing is harder than calibrating
                                      That's the point
                                      You'd grow and improve faster if you face challenges and hardships
                                      Edit = only if you're dedicated and self concious

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                                        dont lose hope bcs of normal skill!
                                        u can still get sub 3k, the most important thing tho is to improve
                                        sub 3k is not a bad bracket improve yourself, learn to play properly, learn to play well with others, counter pick heros etc.
                                        (2.8k up)

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                                          Calibrated at 1k, now im 3k. need 2 years to make it, i mean 2 years for understanding this game, not for climbing. cos when ure allready improved,u can get 200-300MMR/ day so easily(of course if u have a time for playing, i play like 3-4 game/day so i need 3 month to 3k). watching tournament is importan to learn how to win the game. thats how i improve my gameplay.

                                          aahhh sory for mah bad english xD


                                            if i was a totally new player i wouldnt calibrate until i understand the game. like if you like to play carry dont start ranked if you cant get at least 60 lasthits in 10 minutes on a contested lane.


                                              if your lane is really being contested by a competent player you won't be getting 60 last hits in 10 minutes

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                Played for 6 months with irl friends calibrated at 1.4k haHAA