General Discussion

General DiscussionI got no idea wad to study or do

I got no idea wad to study or do in General Discussion

    Getting a high-paid job is fine. But there is one more thing - "Job satisfaction". In the beginning, it is all fun. But as the time progresses, your job profile would become monotonous. And if it is in an area which you don't like, there would be a part of you who would curse you for taking that job/ having done that particular bachelors.


      i guess thats one of the parts in life where i wouldnt know it until i get there


        ladies and gentlemen, jobs are supposed to earn you money so you can feed your family/buy you stuff, your job is not supposed to be a joke

        it's been like this for thousands of years, be grateful for having education in the first place


          ^ this is rly important especially to ppl from our country because no degree = u end up being a garbage truck driver in the capital


            The best Advice I can give OP is, You've got to balance the job happiness/satisfaction with the income earned.
            You love photography or Art , great!!! Keep it as a hobby. You need a real job

            You need science, engineers, business or the Trades. Those are the big 4 IMO on what you want to focus on if you want a good paying job (most of the time)

            Forget the fluffy psychology , so many qualified people competing for like no jobs.
            You need to pick something that job exist for. Find that out first.
            Also with Science, you need to be really into whatever your going to study as you will need alot of schooling. Of course in science, chemists are in higher demand then say a bio/ecologist.


              I may be a very grim person, but here are my sincere thoughts in short.

              My parents are highly educated, they either were underpaid or gained nothing out of it.

              I have various friends, who earn lots of money.

              They either: had no degree, but tricked their way in or were legit hard-working; sold drugs (for real); had rich parents; had innate charisma and communication skills; made their own small business.

              These degrees, unless you're planning to be a scientist, a doctor, a real engineer 100%, are a time waste to make future office wage-slaves feel better about themselves.

              Practical skills are way more important. Languages, programming, practical engineer skills (like repairing PC's, phones, etc.), they can earn you money. This + communication and charisma is what makes a person successful.

              Swiftness and cunning rule the economy, retards buying into useless degrees are their slaves to do the dirty work.

              I sincerely think so.
              I am 20 and Robotics Engineering 3rd year bachelor undergrad.

              I'll have to finish my degree anyway, but I have concluded my thoughts, seeing various live examples.

              I am glad I am fluent in English: the real important practical skill to have in a modern world.

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