General Discussion

General Discussionis Nyx still played as a support ?

is Nyx still played as a support ? in General Discussion

    Hello all, I've been wanting to try some Nyx lately because I've been learning a lot of supports, particularly position 4/roaming supports. I tried him just now and lost the two games, one I felt I wasn't a factor and one I felt like I contributed plenty. However, I don't really see any guides for Support NYX in game. Now I'm looking on dotabuff under Nyx for guides/recent games, and for the first 4-5 pages atleast, EVERYTHING was offlane + core. Is this how he is played now in 7.02 ?

    No guides I saw said support, none had any wards purchased. I know in the past he was picked often in pro games, I know a lot of it was to counter bat rider, but was this for offline role only? I was pretty certain he was a support pick in the recent meta....

    am I wrong ? Do pros/people still play Nyx support ? How does it work, item builds? Thanks, any input would be appreciated. ty


      no one plays nyx as a supp atm

      1-IceTea 🌟
        Jungle Nyx that bought 25 ward don't thank me.It's my nature to help

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Helped you check your match,Nyx don't need blink in that bracket,and try to get more LH from empty lane or jungle,always max 1st so you can farm faster and your skill will be more painful.With more money your can do better.
          Again,don't thank me,just keep it in heart,it's just my nature to help.

          Овај коментар је измењен

            when ever was nyx played as a support ?


              in normal skill antimage is a support

              SHYDAGGER I

                Maybe I am mistaken. I seen Nyx played so often in pro games, Boston Major...etc...I thought he was support. But I was huge noob then. I guess he's always been offline? ty

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  ^^Wow another one that think
                  higher mmr mean everything kind of player has show up,antimage was never play as a support even in NS bracket,ppl who picky AM are all egoistic and want to 1v5.Is 5.0K in easiest server has twisted your ego and logic mind so badly and said things that out of fact?
                  I just kappaing while speak out the truth don't hate me.

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    offlaner is a must for this hero thanks to his 3rd skill that helps him save himself on bad situations, his role is to go 6 asap and start ganking, hard to lasthit in my mmr vs 3 lane or dual cancer lane talking about 5.5k
                    but in lower brackets u can even outfarm them , just play safe and always get a ward to see ganks


                      ^i pick antimage when I'm pissed off and want to fuck shit up, don't think I've seen am support, even in 1k


                        get the irony guys the irony...


                          Mb im the one who play him as a roaming support rofl , but i like it




                              Even if he was played as a support I don't see his build changing whatsoever. All Nyx wants is an experience lead and mobility.

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                see?My words that contain 'fact insult' will always direct a wrong person back to good path if hes good/normal in nature,only thouse who highly egoistic ppl can't see his own fault ano want to fight back.
                                Again,don't thank me I am glad to help.


                                  i got captured by the very high skill demon again ^


                                    He was played as pos 4 at times


                                      Alche was a pos 4 too before
                                      There is a reason why certain things become irrelevant
                                      But now the question is, why is nyx not played on pos 4 anymore :thinking:


                                        because as a nyx pos 3 you don't need any extra farm allowing for a third scary hero who doesn't suck up farm of the map
                                        as a pos 4 you'd still need either a jungler pos 3, or simply weaker lanes which leads to a lost game this patch


                                          ive played support am before lul. but we won the game, godlike mana void.


                                            not core supp at least.. in my recent games they rush scepter fast as possible and the they became a problem.. before scepter he is not really reliable

                                            Super Senko-san Time

                                              I actually play him as roaming support and I enjoyed success so far (although 3 games is a small sample size). I haven't played Nyx before this patch. I picked him mostly for the disable, mana burn, and pudge-like mind games when I'm off the map.