General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me fulfull my dream of being a top Sniper player.. by giving me ...

Help me fulfull my dream of being a top Sniper player.. by giving me some advice on my games. Wrong choice of items? etc. in General Discussion

    ((I play with my laptop at the lowest video settings possible and get 70 fps from it. Never played at super high fps or super high video settings :( ))

    I have been lucky enough to play every game as Sniper so far. I have played him support maybe three time, offlane, carry, mid jungle.

    I added the two of top 10 snipers on dotabuff and have them on my friends list for questions and advice. I do not know them personally but they have agreed to help and are super friendly.

    I play him mostly jungle or support tbh because everyone wants core positions and I play without flaming and try to communicate with my team. I feel like the reason I am doing well is because I have been communicating well with my teammates and being nice and trying to calm down anyone who is annoyed.

    I carry a tp and help my team when I can always wherever role I play. By saving them, I become closer to my teammates and tping in and using shrapnel can save anyone out of trouble most of the time.



    I come up with plans for how we can win the game and I tell my teammate what to do step by step the most strategic game we had is the game where I had a brood and we just tried to defend a lot and were saying wp to each other all day while the brood tried to rat for us. The brood kept dying but it was fine we got a tier 3 tower before they got ours even though we lost heavily. I learnt the word Khoroshniy and Spasiba and some other words.

    Ова тема је измењена
      Fight my dads ww i got gangbang and i loved it


        5 months ago?


          Good read. How on earth u play support sniper tho. Wat do u buy


            I'm sorry I don't know how to quote or use other things on Dotabuff.

            I added the two of top 10 snipers on dotabuff and have them on my friends list for questions and advice. I do not know them personally.

            Soo Jacked.

            It all depends on the game. If we need a save I get force staff for sure.
            Somethng I have noticed is that, in some games, attack is the best form of defence. So i buy skadi and that just shit on the enemy. Sometimes I am able to slow three ppl at once just by my superior attack speed, skadi and shrapnel.

            If I feel like my service is needed as a carry instead of a support late game then I would build carry items.

            You wouldn't believe how good skadi is with sniper support or carry. You are tanky lasting longer in teamfights and you slow.

            I have gotten games where:

            I play offlane/ support sniper where enemy uses all their shit on me because they hate me soo much and then we win fight because their abilites on cooldown.

            At the end of the day I try to stay alive as often as I can so that I am there for high-ground def and we all know sniper is the best for high ground def. I defend while my carries are dead if needed so when they come back no racks is taken.

            I'm spouting shit I know from my head because the answer dependson so many things.

            Ask something more precise if you want.

            Jonas Kahnwald

              I just play Sniper sometimes, when I have a mood to pick him at Party 5, or Solo MMR sometimes. Can I ask ?

              I think Power Tread is better on Sniper, than Phase Boots. Its very core, and must build on Sniper. What do you think ?

              Here is my last game as Sniper :


                I understand why he would be good for that game tbh, sorry I'm replying so late LANTO.

                The type of boots you choose mostly effects how you play early game and a bit of mid game. So I understand that the phase boots would have been useless against bounty because of his surprise jinada game that slows you down and in this case power treads would give you more survivability agisnt the lion and drow. (stuns and slows)

                In my opinion, if you opted for raindrops, I would have gone phase boots because raindrops effectively gives you 150 health anyway against their magic damage anyway and also you seem to be well protected by ur team with hereos like spirit breaker and sand king especially.

                I like my sniper to have some sort of movement speed in early game so I can harrass and to get out of trouble better.

                At the end of the day, boots must match your playstyle. I even built tranquils one game when I was playing a support sniper just to have the movement speed to get into position faster and help my team and not have to go back to base for regen when I have time to farm some jungle creeps when nothing is happening around the map. (putting tranquils in backpack and then back in inventory).


                  I almost cried

                  casual gamer

                    pretty much always i want a fast mjolnir after lance/pike because 1 it speed up farming and 2 u dont do enough damage without it usually

                    so some games i see u rush skadi after pike. taht has some merit against ls/ursa arguably but it very much slows down ur farming because u have 10000 gold into non-dps items

                    i always buy phase because treads is higher dps and more tankiness but phase lets you chase people better which is actually something sniper benefits from immensely. even against heroes like ursa/drow who have heavy slow u can argue more ms means u can reposition before they jump u

                    skadi makes u very tanky but in my experience the biggest limiter on snipers potential (in the mid game) is his teammates dying, so i like having more damage so i can kill them first and then just disabling blink with shrapnel and positioning very cautiously


                      I completely understand what you are trying to say JDF8. Thank you. I do sometimes realise that I haven't got as much as GPM/damage on enemy heroes as I should have and what you are saying is the reason for it.

                      Do you think I should change my builds to having satanics than a skadis then? My playstyle revolves around keeping my distance so would I improve by learning how to play with satanic late game and learning how to play a more 'up in your face' sniper or shud I focus on something else completely regarding my playstyle?


                        Skyrim, I'm in a good place right now regarding DOTA. I have so much fun playing this hero. One abandoned game because of my laptop ethernet cable whole messed up. Right now, my ethernet cable keeps coming out and I have to put some object on top of the wire to keep it in place. (currently I used a big bottle of lotion/cream.

                        casual gamer

                          no skadi is a fantastic item and almost core after you get some damage.

                          satanic is nice but usually if you buy it you also want bkb to ensure u get the heal and honestly id rahter just have skadi + bfly or something

                          its worth noting that deso is good instead of mael/mj if the enemy team has LOW ARMOR and if they have high armor (agi) heroes MJOLNIR AND MKB are better

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            OMG. Force staff is just soo good. Kreygasm. Just saving myself and teammates left right and centre. What do you think about my last two games? I bought MKB and Mjolnir and then sold mjonlir for deadilus later on in game.

                            I bought MKB after blink and hurricane pike because sf and jugg were getting butterflies pretty early on. Blink is super good too. I dodged and kited them soo hard.


                              Op is not really for sniper it's just basics.
                              Practice sniper, and learn key positioning. Learn how to play against certain picks that usually shit on a sniper.


                                Blink sniper is still good? Force staff feels enough, but then again I have 30% sniper winrate so I might be wrong


                                  I dont know if sniper is better than lone sniper. I prefer lone sniper because he have more escape ability


                                    Blink sniper is good only when you are good with positioning. You have to be alert all the time. I use it to bait ppl sometimes too. I was a gainst a jugg who also went blink so with my reactions I was able to blink away before he could even autoattack.

                                    First time on this account I went manta with sniper, was able to dodge slardar stuns because its jus soo obvious, trick slark players, Pugna's abilties, movement speed needed too. I went bloodthorn with it and slark couldn't do shit after his bkb went down (we had detection for when he went invis too).

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      if you go PT as sniper . u are a snail and will feed . phase boot is a must


                                        Rip power treads sniper


                                          Fee Too Pee.
                                          [if you go PT as sniper . u are a snail and will feed . phase boot is a must]

                                          Says a recent riki spammer LuL. ;)