General Discussion

General Discussionwhats shift queue used for when playing tink

whats shift queue used for when playing tink in General Discussion

    and any more mechanically related stuff i need to know before playing tinkewr


      You can shift queue your blink + march after teleporting. That's the limit to my knowledge of playing Tinker.


        Teleport blink march soulring bottle rearm


          played tink like an idiot but still won cuz its 1k

          idk if my item progression was fine or if i shouldve built hex first like blink --> lens --> hex

          also when can i solo kill people reliably? what items do i need and what should i remember when going for a solo kill?

          and how do u farm a fast bot in the jungle using soul ring march?

          and where do i blink after tping to a creep if there's no tree nearby to hide into (or if theres trees nearby but marching in them wont hit the wave)


            im used to shifting since wc3 times, use shift to pickup runes, eat tangos and do simple things also tinker can be an awesome shift queuer, shift blink into trees then cast march and just on the edge of the animation go rearm and save time, i used to shift blink dagon hex back in the days for instant pickoffs, now i usually shift blink and hex


              why is it that sometimes when i "shift queue" it only does the last action? for example i tp then while im tping i shift queue blink + march but he only uses march

              what causes this?


                cause blink animation is almost 0 sec
                watch miracle tinker for example

                casual gamer

                  i recommend going aether before aghs and mastering the max blink range on aether (1400 ish) until you are completely used to it. the extra range on blink and march means that for example dire top lane you can hide in the upper trees and still easily hit marches. the only problem lane is mid so you only farm it when you know 100% it's safe or theres a few chokepoints you can hide (still risky)

                  the only shift queueing i do is blink after tp or blink (dagon) hex after tp

                  all ur spells have long backswings so you can only really shift queue items

                  i very rarely go for solo kills in the mid game because its risky and not as good as farming but spam missile and blink to chase -> laser

                  easy to kill hero like aa because you can rearm laser in their face and rearm blink out of cold feet, stunners can stun you if you dont kill them when you show yourself from fog the first time so you wanna kill them with the first laser

                  its a lot easier with dagon or sheep. just keep in mind if you get stunned and anyone with another stun tps in ur gona fucking die

                  to farm fast bots go double march 2 camps like radiant lg + med camp either in main jungle or off jungle ez pz

                  casual gamer

                    the easiest way is to just watch some matches


                    sometimes im kinda sloppy but just remember you have to keep in mind who can disable u and who is going to focus u (clockwerk storm types)

                    sometimes u have to just sit back spamming missile or march in fights and wait for your opportunity. sometimes u never get a safe opening especially before shep/agh but thats fine just dont die and keep farming / depush and u will win eventually


                      I beat Rab8 in 1v1 23 hours ago
                      Teleport blink march soulring bottle rearm

                      slit ur throat or better yet don't advise on what you know nothing.

                      Usually you don't want to shift-que past your blink+item+skill or something of that sort. Tinker's skills have animations past the cast point and you just have to manually click things to be as fast as possible.

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        slit ur throat or better yet don't advise on what you know nothing.

                        how ironic

                        (pls dont slit my throat)


                          eyy jdf8 thanks for the matches i will definitely watch them

                          just a few more questions i got a 13 min soul ring bottle null bot in my game. is that the average timing or is it faster than that?

                          also can u explain how march's aoe and targetting work? do the robots form a square around the area where u point-clicked? also when i hover on the skill icon it shows an aoe around me, what does this aoe represent? how far i can cast march or how large the march's aoe is?

                          also in the midgame when should i jungle? usually i find it far better if i just depush > go home > depush since most neuts have magic resist so i cant kill them rly quickly, can i do something like 2x march wave > 2x march large camp+med/small camp


                            13 min is average but you can get better like 11min. Try lasering big creep when jungling


                              ofc i alr do that the problem is i dont know how march's aoe work AT ALL


                                is it just me but does soulring sometimes break your shift queue


                                  Having autoattack completely off fixed it
                                  Like theres "never" standard and always, standard breaks shift que for me

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                                    I actually never shift queued before


                                      Also when defending hg u can shift que dagon or hex or both and blink back

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