General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I blind to the meta or are people playing with me?

Am I blind to the meta or are people playing with me? in General Discussion

    So what is with the resurgence of Slardar? He is picked so often these days. And for what? I have only seen him feeding and having low game impact. Players playing him tend to take away farm from lane mate in the offlane, so desperate they sometimes use Slithereen Crush to farm, to rush a blink dagger, and then... do not much else. Here are my last 5 games with Slardar in my team:

    And here are my last 5 games against Slardar:

    Not a single game where he has greater than one K/D ratio. As a carry or semi-carry, this is not a good thing. I know that KDA does not mean everything, but I played those games and I really did not think the Slardar in most of those games were anywhere a threat.

    So what is the deal with Slardar's popularity these days? Please explain so I might deal with people's tendencies when I play with a teammate Slardar.

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      LS is a popular pick right now and he synergizes very well with him. Slardar definitely isn't picked as a carry or even a semi-carry. He's an initiator with high mobility and gank potential. You haven't come across people that know how to play him well or even play him with team coordination.

      The DarKNovA

        Slardar is a great initiator, reinitiator and chaser, with a AoE lockdown and a mighty debuff.
        Also Slardar is top pick in any given tournament these days, and that's really all it takes to become popular pick even in pubs.


          Every time LS is somewhat okay slardar pops out. I Duno why he is back in or why anti armour is good again. CAn I guess that u play in normal skill?


            These are high skill matches. Still, if you don't know to play the hero, you leave him alone or you try to learn him better. No reason to consistently underperform as a hero at any bracket.


              Agreed completely, unfortunately people like to blindly follow the meta and just pick those that are tournament picks for "ez wins".

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                4 out of 5 games you played against, you played support which is always an advantage I think, so you won easily
                While the 5 games you played with, there are more than 1 KDA and they're quite decent, you won some games too. 3 wins out of 5 matches, I mean that's great right?

                A lot of them think they need a Blink Dagger real desperately to land a stun and uses that excuse to take farm.
                You can use Sprint to outrun or surprise gank (from FoW) your target to land the stun, an Orb of Venom helps a lot too.
                Blink Dagger can slowly come as movespeed gets useless

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Oh Wind Lace too


                    I have close to 60% winrate with slardar in 7.01. I think it's a good hero since he provides a lot of utility in a game that became a lot more high tempo since 7.00. He is a good initiator, makes rosh easier, and synergizes well with popular heroes this patch. Also whenever slardar is picked it's hard to tell whether he is offlane or pos 4 support which makes drafting against him harder. Then again I play him in a 4.5k+ games where people are a little less braindead and often pick another hero to assist you in offlane. He fares pretty poorly against trilanes or duo-lanes with high kill potential which is why you see him retreating to jungle to farm blink.


                      I mean slardar is generally payed as the offlaner so there is no problem with him taking the farm in the offlane and if you are playing support and complaining about the slardar taking farm then you are wrong. Blink is a very important item for slardar because in this meta getting a good initiation is a good way to win games. As for them having bad kda that could be for a number of reasons including theyre bad, or the game was tough and the initiator often is the first to die in a bad teammate.


                        im banning slardar every game fucking animal hero



                          You are a special kind of animal


                            slardars a fuckig cancer of the patch tbh

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                              one of the most picked heroes now. doesnt say much about low skill games tho


                                Slardar in NS lul
                                "Oh look one dude got tracked guys lets all dive and feed kills without having buyback haHAA"
                                "Oh look one of the weakest laning offlane in the game is getting harassed I'll just flame him for not being fat haHAA"


                                  Ever heard of minus armor combination? Like ta with slad


                                    @lpfeeder, never understand people like you, is boosting your/your friend's winrate or unranked mmr fun or is it just major autism?

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