General Discussion

General DiscussionMy hero pool

My hero pool in General Discussion

    Do i need i widen my hero pool or not.
    Luna ember brood jugg alch
    Learning: sf, ld


      It's entirely up to you. Just play what you enjoy playing.


        for ur own playstyle ye but for rank no for rank u gotta have 2 main heroes and one backup hero for each position if u're forced to play it


          I'm good at void, faceless void, darkterror, FV, bash god and purple twinhead
          Should I expand my heropool or not?
          Also learning mister timelord right now


            Get rid of brood. You don't need that kinda negativity in your life


              i'm the meeporino god rn xd


                Im currently learning mid skills but after in back to tryharding mode i will spam luna again.

                Player 123655765

                  2k tip: u should try to learn to play support once in a while esp. in our bracket where almost all pick carry. It helps and kinda rewarding when you win a game by baby sitting 4 retards in game. support like vs, abba and silencer w/c can transition into semi-carry is good for starters.


                    Ur hero pool is too big


                      Have you tried preventing magic to prevail?

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Lina pls


                          Learn some hero of other role


                            add: IO, arc warden


                              I wanna switch my hero pool. I will still keep luna for spamming bcause of high wr and fun. Is it worth to study hard hero like tinker and invoker in long terms? I love playing brood bcause 2kay dunno how to fight vs brood and i can micro quite well

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                I only jungle and my hero pool is 3,your answer is here

                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                Johnny Rico

                                  It wont matter cause you are a delusional player, and spamming certain heros that you not even good at wont change things, delusional kid.

                                  casual gamer

                                    im playing 3 heroes only as well xd

                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                      Delusional kid hmm really makes you think


                                        u play 2 good safe lane cores (luna and jugg) and 3 good mid (ember, alche and jugg).. try to learn an offlaner, and one supp..


                                          Fx support LUL


                                            That leaves supp i used to play pos4 bh and riki a lot back in 6.87 and i played sd quite a number. I would only supp if im partying with ppl *cough*bws*cough*


                                              Yo bws u wanna play am or jugg i will be your magnus slave :$


                                                I think you should be able to play most heroes to the extent that if you got randomly given that hero you wouldnt be useless to your team. That doesnt mean your picking those heroes consistently, just that you could play them if you needed to.


                                                  Why not void? Void BF in 2017 xd


                                                    Hey indog trash accept my friend req

