General Discussion

General DiscussionStrong / Basic Dispel please share Knowledge/ Help people. :)

Strong / Basic Dispel please share Knowledge/ Help people. :) in General Discussion

    Can someone name all the strong/ basic dispel Mechanics in dota2???

    btw i know :
    "Strong Dispel"
    -Press the Attack ( LC's second skill ).
    -Aphotic Shield ( Abbadon's second skill ).
    " Basic Dispel"
    -Rage ( Lifestealer's first skill )
    -Fortunes's end ( Oracle's first skill ) "this skill can dispel omni's ultimate , so idk why it's called basic".
    -Blade fury ( juggernaut's first skill ).
    -Eul's scepter.
    -Black King Bar.
    -Diffusal Blade.
    -Lotus Orb.

    i named the Ability and the hero just to make it ez for the newbies


      Tidehunter pasive
      Little jungle purge creep
      Weaver ult (aghs)


        Oracle's ult is a strong dispel.
        Manta is a basic dispel.