General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes to play when you're way above average mmr

Heroes to play when you're way above average mmr in General Discussion

    I play in AUS so that'll be self explanatory, what heroes are best for this. I'd say snowball heroes like TA, SF, Slark, Storm and Meepo.


      I'd say snowball heroes like TA, SF, Slark, Storm and Meepo.


        Id say snowball heroes like tusk.


          U answered ur own question


            snowball tinker

            1-IceTea 🌟

              I'd say jungle heroes like Ursa,Lycan and Wk

              casual gamer



                  when you wanna make ppl do what u wanna do, tinker
                  when you wanna do what u wanna do cos fuck ppl, anyone who can siege alone ta .. sf .. storm .. meepo, yeah i think you're bored of dota and already know the answer

                  casual gamer

                    offlane: weaver

                    safelane: jugg / lifestealer


                      idk about slark. the rest of those heroes sure.


                        Meepo is probably the best hero to snowball with at 20mins 6 slotted and lvl 20 and everyone just like what the fk as you get your 5th rampage and end the game alone while your carry is still farming his dom


                          Be like me. Haha

                          Alien Righteousness

                            You should know better than anyone... just pick whoever you know you can mid and snowball with.

                            You definitely want to be mid, though. Slark is at the mercy of his supports in the laning phase and that's not a good situation if you want to snowball. The only other option besides mid is jungle LC or jungle Lifestealer, IMO. If mid gets taken, you still want to guarantee your farm.


                              Averages have been really high recently since matchmaking changes, the classic mid heroes like SF/ember/TA/Invoker have always thrived in Aus ranked. I have always been a fan of AM in low average games but your mileage may vary. Meepo has always been disgustingly good for smashing lower mmr players than you as well.

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                              Ryan Gosling Fan

                                Mid disrupter and rush dagon. Not even a Joke.


                                  whatever you're good at

                                  seriously, last game i was the highest mmr player and i just got a free win because no one on the enemy team could handle me

                                  O N N E T B O Y Z ™

                                    Weaver is an easy answer, but if you really are much better than everyone in your bracket I would try LC and see how many duels I can get.

                                    Player 404335202

                                      i hope u win TI


                                        Midlane: TA, Ember, Jugg, Chaos Knight, Nyx, Storm

                                        Offlane: Brood, Weaver, Monkey King, Riki

                                        Safelane: Blood Seeker, Troll, Drow, slark,