General Discussion

General Discussionis scepter good on shadowfiend?

is scepter good on shadowfiend? in General Discussion
white boy summer

    just curious cause +64 dmg with the talent is like a sacred relic and req becomes even deadlier


      it's good but not a must buy IMO.


        Depends on what will u build him.. If focus on magical damage for win some clash with a single ss then go for it

        Arturo b

          go scepter if u want to nuke everyone, dont go scepter if u are a hitter. probably go nuker if your team have a hitter

          white boy summer

            yeah i build scepter in all my games cause team has 4 carry all the time (hopefully i always have supp) and i cant see why wouldnt it be good for both attack and nuke, 64 dmg and 10 allstats seem legit


              Good if you get it early pre 20 mins. Its utility decreases late game, should consider swapping for MKB/Daedlus in the late game.


                It's a good item if you are already far ahead. If you are behind, I would try to go for other items.


                  depends on which heroes you are playing against, if they dont go bkb, sure go for it
                  edit: but i would rather still spend that 4.2 gold on something more useful like bkb

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                  white boy summer

                    i go shadowblade/bkb/silver edge/scepter. i time scepter to get it near when i get my lvl20 talent, i usually get it in 30 mins, and i found it pretty useful-


                      I used to but i wouldnt anymore. Better to make him a good sieger with that lvl 25 range talent with huge right click dmg


                        its good bbut not as good as other item. I would go se and pike then bkb. So what does scepter do at that point and in pubs pike and se is really good if you have a very aggressive playstyle like me. satanic skadi or butterfly ismuch better than scepter

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          There are totally better items, Agh's upgraded ulti is almost non-existent, You used 4200g just for
                          64 raw damage that needs charges, and some stats that doesn't exist, nothing else.
                          Deso or anything else that hits hard


                            its good


                              Scepter is a must. Idk why you wouldn't want 48 souls?
                              48*2=96dmg. Plus that ultimate shit.
                              Damn it should be a must buy


                                ^because it only gives bonus 12 souls so 48 dmg more at max souls which isnt anything super spectacular.


                                  I'd get it for just the ultimate and tankyness. the dmg is a bonus


                                    What am I missing here? Aghs makes soul cap 46 instead of 36. Isn't that +40 damage? Let's add there the damage coming from Aghs stats. Still +50. Not +64?




                                        One time SF with Scepter ultied me from invis late game and guess what, he insta killed me and when I checked the dmg card he did 2500 damage to me with it only!? So id say its decent.


                                          It's good. If you get it early it's even better.

                                          Very good against Slark, or if you have someone to lock down the enemy heroes. Magnus, Tide, etc.

                                          The build that works good with aghs is euls/refresher combo.. with bkb.

                                          Btw, at lvl 25 you can insta kill pretty much anyone below 2.5k HP even without aghs.. lvl 3 ultimate deals about 1600damage if you center it right from the SB and with just one raze you'll deal about 2000 damage.

                                          Also, plus, you'll get to throw a few attacks, so he'll be probably dead.

                                          The aghs is good for the stats, it's good for the upgrade of ult/souls, but the problem is pike is almost always good pickup on SF and you will run out of slots if you keep aghs late, esp. since it'll become useless at some point

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                                          Player 404335202

                                            Ita good if alche is giving u it for free :-)


                                              i wouldn't get it if you've already got sb, it's more of a bkb/euls thing - the dmg concept of it is by far not the best way to spend your 4.2k if it's right clicking dps you're gonna be doing
                                              you want to be getting hurt or doing it on low whilst getting chased in a sharp fog corner, it's the fact that they wanna jump on you to kill you that makes it a great item cause it'll heal you and it's almost like a sunder reversal
                                              when i see sfs goin sb and scepter and just doing the same shit as you would without it - i think he's a retard and is throwing the lead

                                              dragon lance , bkb, scepter - right click until they're on top of you and you've taken some dmg - bkb ult continue right click
                                              the heal man you gotta make use of the actual bonus scepter gives besides the soul dmg, the 2nd wave that does less dmg but heaaaaals boyzzzzzzzz

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                                                Black king

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                                                Negative Mental Attitude

                                                  Bkb is the difference between ez rampage and dying with everyone on the enemy team being 1/2 hp




                                                      If you have reliable teammates go for it after pike, maybe get a blink if you have an sk/legion/mag on your team, then go for aghs, bkb refresher. Only tried it twice so far, when the aghs was released, cause there's much better ways of building him and teammates aren't always reliable(you can get blink euls if you're going Rambo)