General Discussion

General Discussionwhat MMR is your worst hero?

what MMR is your worst hero? in General Discussion

    state your worst hero, and what MMR your think you perform at with that hero. essentially, this tells you what is the lowest MMR your deserve,

    for me if i played oracle mid, i probably cant win low 2ks.


      Storm i played him at 1.4 and i still lose so its 1 mmr

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Alot of hero for me is sitting on 2.0K but 1 match practice on those hero will probably rises 100mmr and won't be lower then 3.0K after 10 matchs


          You've seen my mid
          1 mmr


            ^^you mean every hero that is laning? sounds about right

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            i have 5 reports to use

              I am 3k brood playa

              casual gamer

                at least i can play mid as tinker rofl, kind of easy mode hero for it htough

                Giff me Wingman

                  IO, literally 1k mmr.


                    Since I haven't played all heroes against real player I'm not 100% sure but I think I'm around low 2K with 90% of them (my best hero is also around low 2K as well :p).

                    I'm bad with heroes that need a lot of micro (meepo still works since it's 5 times the same hero), hero that have unique playstyle (techies).
                    I also had a lot of problem when trying to play pudge (I generally tried to hook between 2 creeps but failed to understand how big the hitbox was)

                    Président® Salted Butter

                      I'm a 1k drow L U L


                          my furion is -99999999mmr


                            rubicuck 11 games all lost 0% winrate



                              Gyro storm lc



                                1k huskar i just cant

                                Gaming is Dead

                                  Storm Spirit Legit 0 mmr


                                    too many to name.
                                    Meepo, voker, ember (high skill caps)I'm horrible with blood seeker, can't seem to win with him

                                    casual gamer

                                      my invokers easily low 4k


                                        invoker about 200 mmr and any other really spam clicking buttons heroes.


                                          1v1 me storm cuki




                                              guys lets be realistic. if you are mid 4k, how can your lowest be 1k

                                              Ave with an internet pfp

                                                Iam looking for people that play slark mid in here *grab popcorn*


                                                  Anything that needs heavy/fast micro. Chen, Arc Warden, Meepo, Visage. I am absolute garbage. like 0.25k mmr I'm sure. Teams would be better off with me disconnecting if I'm forced to play those.


                                                    chen prob mid-high 4k XD


                                                      Im a -9k mmr meepo.
                                                      Maybe a 1 mmr brew.
                                                      Never played em and never want to try cuz i will get insta low prio.


                                                        Idn whatever hero i play im still 2500 mmr.

                                                        And Danishblunt are you sure you would be winning as io on 1k? Couse i dont think so...


                                                          Invoker 2k , have like 10 games
                                                          and Storm ofc i suck ( i just farm with him woods and sometimes join fights xDDD)


                                                            Definetely sub1k io/Chen or earth spirit, 5games 0 wins

                                                            The Medic Guy

                                                              invoker 2k mmr
                                                              AW 2k mmr

                                                              everything is work in 1k even i don't know how to use it

                                                              winning as io in 1k ?

                                                              that is solo offlane io

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                My Invoker would be 1.5k MMR, I sincerely think so.
                                                                My LD is very bad, despite attempts, I'd say 2k.

                                                                I can't play Wisp or Meepo, I'd say I am 1k on these.

                                                                That said, I can play Visage/Chen/AW, albeit pretty shitty, and win.

                                                                I would like to note, that there are some heroes, on which I, on the contrary, feel overly confident.

                                                                On few occasions dumpstered lower 5ks with my Timbersaw.

                                                                I'd sincerely rate my Timbersaw at around 4.8k, assuming these lower 5ks were bad.

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                                                                  Huskar 1 mmr


                                                                    My Slardar is also 2k at best.
                                                                    Idk why I even have problems with this fucking fish. The hero is simple, I am just dogshit.


                                                                      nature prophet on 1K because i have 6L 1W with him
                                                                      also QoP 1.5K cause 4L 0W lmao


                                                                        techies 1k mmr

                                                                        white boy summer

                                                                          Furion 1mmr


                                                                            Bounty Hunter with 21 % winrate in 20 games

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                                                                            monk, tibetan

                                                                              Storm sparat, bounty hhnterdp

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                                                                                Doom 1.5k literally can't win with this hero.


                                                                                  Next time on party games remind me to show you all my magnificent 14% QoP