General Discussion

General DiscussionDid i really miss anything?

Did i really miss anything? in General Discussion
Shadows Die Twice

    I get some comments from friends and stuff that i missed golden "4.5k bracket" where all the crazy shit is going on. Idk what exactly that means, and when i ask them, they just say "you gotta play it". So can anyone explain to me why is 4.5k bracket that i never played in so special and should i make smurf and calibrate less than that to go through it?


      If you want to get brain damage then yes xD You gone over hell bracket of Dota, actually you are lucky, only fool would consider going there..

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      1-IceTea 🌟

        SEA server 4.5K is the things you missed,come I can let you sleep my dog I got place :happy:

        Shadows Die Twice

          Well i calibrated 4.9k and went straight up to 5-5.5k avg games... lowest that i played avg was 4.7k as far as i remember. I don't fokken get it, they say that it is 10 times harder to climb from 4.5-5k than from 5-5.5k which doesn't make much sense to me.

          So what's the trick?

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            i doubt there s anything actually outstanding there

            Shadows Die Twice

              Best explanation that i got so far was "Those are people who are unable to play but think that they are good, which make games ridiculous. 2k scrub knows that he is bad and isn't that cocky. 6k scrub also knows his limitations. 4.5k doesn't"

              The Medic Guy

                5k account buyer who drops in to that bracket, and sooner to low 4k, and then high 3k then mid 3k then low 3k then back to the place where they belong

                not sure what really happen in there. lul


                  at 4.5k atm
                  its either spam ember or games like this

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                    It'll only give you anal bleeding


                      i actually proly quitting only cause of 4.5 if thats clear to u xD


                        fyi, as a 6k player, you can easily win 90% of the matches from 4.0-5.5k.



                            i gona starrt spa.ming riki and pudge if that dont help i quit

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              u missed nothing
                              same as the rest of 4k

                              Ryan Gosling Fan

                                Just mute every one in 4.5k nothing special.


                                  no one asked for your 6k opinion frank

                                  Shadows Die Twice

                                    So can anyone borrow me 4.3-4.6k account and let me play few games, i just wanna try it?

                                    Edit: I'm gonna win you games :P

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                                      i will gove me ur email


                                        tbh it's only cancerous if you are MID/CARRY player FOR OTHERS IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because you will find in many games retards who will go dual mid, jungle if they can't go mid and just fucking idiots who want to ruin games. That's the expierence I had from a few games, but if you want to win it's actually still very easy, you just have to pick offlane, it's the easiest way to get out of there I think and support works well too, ofc if you know what to pick, it doesn't have to be a fucking cm. x)


                                          frank is like those annoying kids of my relatives whom i would've killed if their parents weren't in da house


                                            yea but joke on side his riki plays are amazing

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                                              @ Scy


                                                Alright I queued on my friends smurf just to see if something maybe changed but NOPE XD


                                                  haha very known thing in 4k voker talon midas

                                                  even more known is Magnus talon and mirana talon


                                                    ROFL my support fed in lane badly I was 3-1-1 and decently farmed in a laning phase against cancerous lane and their supports were roaming on me all the time + their mid contested me so much too and my mid laner is 1-4-1 and underfarmed af I dont understand 4k's LMAO at this point it looks that my support is intentionally feeding when I look at his score LMAO

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                                                      rofl my invoker did 2k hero dmg in a 22 min game and that was when he did meatball combo at the end of the game when they dived fontain lmao ye 4k bracket is great, never playing there again XD


                                                        that's actually a dream bracket if ur a 2k just stop climbing XD even when I have 5 cores in games like this it's still not cancerous and enjoyable

                                                        Shadows Die Twice

                                                          My email is: