General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win 5v1?

How to win 5v1? in General Discussion
Ryan Gosling Fan

    By 5v1 i mean how can i win games with my rl friends? We play on like 3 k average mmr but all of Them like 500 Solo mmr. (yes 500 mmr for real). They just sit on their lane and wait until shit happens. I usually dominate the First 20 mins of a game Solo getting ganked mid 24/7 buying all the Wards on my own but my Team always feed the shit out of it.
    Id realy like To win some games for Them and feel like it should be possible for me to win against 3ks but i just dont know how. Pls help.


      I created a new account just to play with friends who are 1k MMR and I solo carried them. It's possible. You just have to look at what your team mates are doing, and what enemy are doing and take charge. If you play mid, tell them what you plan to do and you'll want them to come help. Usually, I'll tell them to go for a specific hero and focus on that hero while I take care of the others by flanking or we just smoke, get a kill or 2 and get out (you have to tell them to because chances are is that they are gonna stay there if you don't). Conversations that leads to successful ganks goes something like this..

      "Guys, its time for us to get some kills and if possible push and lane. Everyone has tps? If not get one at the side shop or something and come mid. We have wards? Good. Lets go."
      We'll smoke up make our way to where is logical (a solo hero furthest from the rest, usually in their jungle or lane; just use your dota common sense and map awareness for this), pick off the target, ward the area if the kill was fast, or if no one is there, ward up and push a tower. If kill was fast and we warded, proceed to push towers. If we see them coming for us, I'll usually tell them to all tp to another lane immediately and push somewhere else. They usually listen to my instructions and we only lost 1-2 games out of every 10 games. Don't know if your friends will listen to you but whatever you do, don't rage at them.


        pick ursa


          That link you sent, I honestly hope that you don't expect to win it with your lineup. They have massive dmg beause drow and medusa and sven and phoenix combo. You guys have way too little lock down for a team such as theirs. It's a hard game to win. There's just too much for your line up to deal with.

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          Ryan Gosling Fan

            ^ u dont get it m8 its not like THEY want to win. If i tell Them to buy Blink they tell me " never used Blink " or 2250 Gold Takes to long. When i tell Them to gank mid they will Come and just Run into enemy tower. Its tottaly hopeless. I cant splitpush cuz they will just die in 0,5 Sec without me.


              Play solo heroes

              Mid or offlane

              Stomp lanes and end game

              1-IceTea 🌟

                3K average,just jungle for 10mit and come out kill them all and win


                  I think if you go late game the inly chances of winning is when you rat them


                    Yo fx its not like 3k scrubs are gonna get gold outta nowhere


                      I started to update my party mmr like 1 week ago. My solo is 4000 and my party was 1000 because I haven't played ranked since like 2 years.
                      I'm only spamming Tinker, it works. Btw we could play together if you want free wins because we both need to get out of here.

                      The Medic Guy

                        if they are your real friend in real life then, teach them some basic shit instead let them keep doing the same mistake over and over and over and you come here to whine about how to 1v5 while your team so shiet.

                        this is a team game, yes you can 1v9 in 3k.
                        but sooner or later the team average are going up, and you can't 1v9 anymore

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          It's easy enough if you pick the right heroes, you should win midlane even with dumb heroes like AM/slark/morph and from there you just take over the game. I would generally tell my friends to pick global heroes like cm, treant and drow so they can contribute even while feeding but that's not 100% necessary.




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                            Solo offlane is not a thing in sub 4k.


                              I tried to teach my 1k friend
                              He tried to listen [*]

                              Ryan Gosling Fan

                                So how Do i play basicly? Do i just go and rape mid completly or do i roam all around the map to slow down everyones Farm?

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                  Of course you die after roaming all around the map and slowing everyone's farm
                                  Then you tell them stop being a useless shitfuck and learn how to actually play because dota is like real life, you can't fucking rely on people 100% to reach success and you are bitchslapping them to wake the fuck up and stop living in cinderella world

                                  Ryan Gosling Fan

                                    Yes their " its not my Rating " attitude realy triggers me.


                                      It's rough life carrying. It's not meant for everyone


                                        Just try to adapt to the situation. 3k games is not much harder than 2k so i know a bit about it. Try to pick snowball hero and they will keep feeding. Or you solo farm up and solo win games


                                          Solo offlane is not a thing in sub 4k.

                                          Around 3.4 I stopped seeing jungling every game. At 3.6 I can get solo without asking. It's there man, just have to get past the low 3ks.


                                            I sometimes forget that i only need 1 hand to carry 1v5 in 3k.


                                              ^ would be entertaining if u did it on your stream. And lost.