General Discussion

General DiscussionHow's your ranked solo queue experience with valve's changes?

How's your ranked solo queue experience with valve's changes? in General Discussion
Farm then Carry



      About the same i guess


        The same. Just had one game around 3.5k where this TBD Invoker ran our team over.
        I'm not missing the occasional party.


          This pig so happy becoz he just have 3.5k mmr .but how about us playing good in every game do our best and play hard .wtf just give us ah 3.5k calib.this is not fair

          Negative Mental Attitude

            still fucking dogshit


              I reached 3.7k a few days ago after grinding for 2 years from 1.3k calibration. I didn't have to smurf to get here. Looks like you'll just have to grind like the rest of us after all.


                Surprisingly decent I should say.


                  its prety good i think, coz party player in SEA is more suck and toxic than solo player, every solo player is need to win, party need to get fun. so, im happy and hope this is continuous


                    I haven't noticed a diference, provided it's 4.5-5k bracket, but everytime i get an account buyer/smurf i get that instant satisfaction of knowing that once he drops, I won't be seeing him

                    casual gamer

                      the same. the retards are solo queueing and i recognize them

                      there are cases where i would get a duo queue who are 6k each and 5k party on the enemy team. glad that shits gone


                        It never made much sense to call it solo que, but get matched with a party. But thats just me.


                          I get put into ppl with parties. I had a party of three tell me they'll report me and they really did. Another party reported me too. I play in EU West and russian servers mostly and these guys are ruthless. Got low prio for this too. So i changed my name and my profile pic because I think it may have sounded like I was trolling.


                            Worse but it was the weekend. The language settings seem broken too.


                              I guess I won't get party mmred ever again, just a bit sad they removed -rd.

                              p a l a i yu t @2@@@

                                someone answer me why VALVE are so STUPID.he let the report counted even the player are doing will,that is fucking intentional report.
                                no trash talk doing his part in the and why STUPID VALVE give him LP.


                                  A bunch of retards over the weekend but hopes are high that week games will be better.


                                    i have same players almot every night
                                    maybe cause i que at same time 9 at night till 1 or 2 am
                                    and always meet couple players XD


                                      am i the only guy who's realistic on this and doesn't blame parties for his losses?


                                        nothing changed


                                          Not sure yet, but I could imagine to have slightly longer queues for now.

                                          fear is the mind killer

                                            Had russian everygame since they forgot to choose the serverb4 queing


                                              Amazing. My wr drastically increased since true solo mmr introduced


                                                @cookie it isn't about blaming parties - it is about the quality of the game when party and solo mmrs can differ by large amounts and thus it is a lottery as to the quality of the game.


                                                  i keep winning games since the removal of party queue