General Discussion

General Discussionquit dota 2

quit dota 2 in General Discussion

    Should i quit dota 2 ? Havent played from sunday ( 3 days).I was on away soccer game so i spent my whole day in other city,and in monday i was busy all day,and today i have off day from pracctice and am bored and have urges to play dota 2.What to do guys :))


      Give me your accounts and quit. Soccer more important.

      Giff me Wingman

        Are you autsitic?

        If you're bored and u want to play dota2, then playthe damn game.


          i wish i could just quit,but cant..


            If i play then i will get addicted again and play whole day and tommrow i wont give a fuck about soccer and i can make living from soccer but dunno im so retarded

            Giff me Wingman


              i can make living from soccer

              Don't be stupid, once u're 2 old for soccer u can't gain any money because u're old with no education. Don't bother doing it.

              Овај коментар је измењен

                Hah what can i gain from dota ? dota 2 is more fun but if i quit soccer i am noone


                  no help here going to reddit :))))

                  casual gamer

                    what the fuck is the point of typing u're instead of ur or you're

                    besides triggering me

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      how about quittingj

                      just quit

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                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                        <Insert generic normie meme not pertaining to discussion>


                          Well have you quit the DOTO yet?

                          Giff me Wingman

                            u're mad




                                the urge is gone for now we'll see for tommorow :)


                                  I've been playing csgo more than dota. Dotas just boring atm


                                    if i trained from early childhood probablu could go to north west coutrys to try amateur teams i had plan wo
                                    ith dad but i skipped cause of school

                                    dota cant be more important than soccer school or anything else but if ur autist go play dota quit everythig


                                      yeah if u are bad it cant be but if u own people it can be

                                      Ave with an internet pfp

                                        I have same problem so I that why i play dota casutally for now . And it's works lul . (Ps. Nottherealjacked)

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                                          I knew you'd chicken out... everyone always does....


                                            @Bungmangler what do you mean ?!!



                                              "Omg I think i'm going to quit, uninstall game"

                                              1 hour to 1 week later

                                              "reinstalling DOTA 2"

                                              You said you wanted to quit, so quit!

                                              you didn't quit...... therefore chickened out.

                                              Im just busting your chops man ;)

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I stopped playing a couple weeks before Christmas cus I was too busy.
                                                I played my first game in 3 months on Saturday.
                                                First game, 10 minutes in, my wife comes in all pissed off. I thought she was sleeping. But no, she was yelling at me to come help her with something and I couldn't hear cus headphones. Fortunately was able to calm her down in a minute and get back without abandoning. But you have got to be fucking kidding me, no dota for three months, first game I get that shit.
                                                Third day back, my child who always sleeps through the night wakes up screaming. I pause to try and put her back to sleep but no, she wants a fucking bottle. Game abandoned.
                                                She's back to sleep, 1 abandon no lpq.
                                                She wakes up again! 2nd abandon gg fml.
                                                Next day I'm ready to cruise through some lpq games. First game ez, dominating win.
                                                Second game fml, can't carry this team but we still have a shot.
                                                WTF my internet disconnects. This has literally never happened at my house. Comcast down for three hours.
                                                Abandon, +3 lpq wins needed.

                                                Question: Is the universe telling me to quit playing dota?

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  how to quit dota?

                                                  < blank >

                                                    i want to know it too

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      Rip dire wolf LUL
                                                      Ur white dad demographic is my favorite to play with tho cuz u guys r usually chill af


                                                        she wants a fucking bottle HAHAHHAHA

                                                          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                            11 days so hard my pc is on service gotta hold on for few days :(((


                                                              sad story


                                                                Get a job and it will be easy to quit Dota 2, you won't even have to think about quitting it, it will just happen naturally.


                                                                  sad indeed

                                                                  ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                                    I have a nice job but not even think to leave dota (yet).
                                                                    Still sometime hang with friends also,
                                                                    Just never had enough sleep tho.


                                                                      If you want to quit then quit, if you want to continue playing then continue playing simple.

                                                                      TANGINANG BRACKET TO!

                                                                        Give me your account then quit