General Discussion

General Discussion7.03 thought

7.03 thought in General Discussion
1-IceTea 🌟

    What's the pro and cons for you?

    For me
    pro : -Easier rat and single siege
    -lane creep slightly less gold in early game.

    Cons : -lot of movement speed buff,(I spam WK,Ursa)
    -SE break dmg decrease
    -Ultimate Ord price increase
    -No buff for my hero

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    Ave with an internet pfp

      if 7.04
      -remove jungle

      => rip lice


        -remove ursa

        1-IceTea 🌟

          ^^It will only force me to lane and unfold my 10K potential.

          or get bored and leave Dota before u can party rank with me

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            remove lone druid, or change his fear skill, to disarm lonedruid during its duration, now its complete bullshit.


              Puck 420GPM blaze it


                Base damage increased by 18.


                  +MK in cm


                    Hasn't touched any of my heroes, helm double nerfed will be interesting to see if it continues to be core on everything or if it will die off. I'm calling jugg drums meta is back but we will see.

                    D. Igne Natura Renovatur ...

                      Enchantress ancients


                        abaddon +200 Aphotic Shield Health to +300

                        ancient apparition +3 Charges of Cold Feet to +4

                        jugger Healing Ward bounty increased from 25 Gold to 75 Gold and XP

                        lion Level 10 Talent increased from +45 Damage to +60

                        tusk Level 10 Talent increased from +35% XP Gain to +40%


                          hero's getting stronger, means 2 possibilities, A a buff to skill, or B a nerf to carrying. in deathball meta the stronger the heros get the harder it becomes to carry. in non deathball meta, the stronger the hero's get the easier it is to carry.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            It's fucking clear Icefrog does not care about balance anymore and changes stuff just for the sake of looking like he cares. JUST FUCKING LOOK AT ALL THESE IRRELEVANT TALENT CHANGES. 7 STR to 8? WAOW, HERO LITERALLY PLAYABLE NOW. Also I don't know what else he needs to fucking understand that movespeed talents are totally underwhelming. Who the in their right mind would choose a Wind Lace over an ultimate orb? This whole talent system just fucking needs to leave or at least change the talents to things that alter the hero fundamentally, not some fucking stat increase. Shrines need to fucking go as well. They just promote retarded gameplay. Oh we just got rekt in the laning stage/fights because we are moronic and are taking fights we shouldn't be taking? Lel who cares, just use shrine BrokeBack

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                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              ^me,I would choose wind Lancer (MS) over ultimate orb (state) for ursa


                                Talent system completely destroy patches

                                The Medic Guy

                                  wtf the fuck is wind lancer


                                    cant you just build bkb-skadi-diffuasl-blink-abbysal-BoT on ursa and rekt them without MS talent

                                    i am not ursa spammer like you -in good way :)- just wondering

                                    young rich

                                      Unnecessary earth spirit nerf, seems IceFrog can't allow him to be viable


                                        i think the cancer ember chain is stopped,but idk

                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                          I love my Abaddon talent. Pls keep it up osfrog.
                                          Also: "Alche giff me moonshard" is coming


                                            Krobelus is op now.


                                              inb4 ''kotl giff me moonshard by 20 min or report OMG noob''


                                                memeback rubberband mechanics seem nerfed somehow
                                                thank god

                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  discouraging 5 manning is the way to go

                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    inb4 i start pick shaman mid again


                                                      the biggest change I think is the nerf to rabid the fact that its not a 100% uptime is huge. THis will slow his farming speed majorly and make it easier to gank him.

                                                      Player 404335202

                                                        Viper is male or female ?


                                                          male definetly male

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            Classic Icefrog. Can't fucking do his one job and properly nerf "Lone" Druid so instead he butchers Bear Druid as well. I hope this Icefrog is just a doppelgangster and the real one died because I can't accept that he is this retarded.


                                                              - just started to play jungle luna and 7.03 delays my build by 30sec or so :/ (dominator cost increase)


                                                                @sam this was a good nerf. rabbid was way to strong a skill for a 100% uptime. I have no idea why your so salty

                                                                yung griphook

                                                                  the pudge nerfs were pretty disheartening

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    RABID WAS A GOOD SPELL? HAHA, JUST FUCK OFF MATE. IT'S A FUCKING WORSE BLOODLUST THAT CAN ONLY BE CAST ON YOURSELF AND YOUR BEAR. AND NOW YOU CAN'T EVEN HAVE IT ON ALL TIME. IF YOU SERIOUSLY CONSIDER THIS NERF "FINE", THEN YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA HOW THIS GAME WORKS. I am not salty about this particular incident, just the way the game is heading towards.

                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                      Might start playing a bit more again, the Juggernaut arcana release was something, I just wish his sword was on fire, they didn't do anything to his sword.

                                                                      I'm happy that comeback mechanic got nerfed abit, cause i'm the type of player to typically have a good positive KD ratio across tons of matches (KD isn't everything though) but then blow it on a tilt, or stupid death that feeds the enemy a streak. lol

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                                                                      Erase Humanity

                                                                        Duck Asian pro teams for forcing icefrog to nerf Lone Druid. Rip sylla


                                                                          what do u think about deso ursa, licetea?


                                                                            ember is kinda balanced now ld is dead
                                                                            but still where is my meepo buff ??????????


                                                                              Pretty sure this "patch" took them 2
                                                                              Or 3 days

                                                                              Small Song

                                                                                The fat guy's reign of terror is over. (For us who fight in the noob ranks and fight the noob pudges)

                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                  Yo 1-Icetea, can I ask you to play jungle Axe or Abaddon for just one game, please? I want to learn how to quickly get my farm if I can't do shit in the offlane

                                                                                  white boy summer

                                                                                    well yeah this patch could took them only 3 days cuz they got a shitton of feedback from the qualifiers so it was easy for them to point out what needs a nerf or buff lul. still better than waiting for season end in lol if u want something nerfed


                                                                                      That Headdress nerf. Make vlads, mek and pipe all more expensive just to nerf deathball. On the bright side Split Push and Farming might be more viable again.

                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                        I tried deso Ursa good dmg but I won't do it again because my play style required me to tank alot,I rather agh->SE->Abyssal

                                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                          @Abaddass' Dank Adventures
                                                                                          You can get good and efficient video from YT about how to jungle X.

                                                                                          Abbadon jungle I tried but it's quite slow,rush first item Vladimir will be my style,he need lifesteal and mana with it he also help team utility alot.

                                                                                          Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                                            @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah: "Who the in their right mind would choose a Wind Lace over an ultimate orb"

                                                                                            Maybe, supports?


                                                                                              the notable changes is moonshard change and shaman base damage buff


                                                                                                @sam... it isn't the price.... its the item space.

                                                                                                you cant just keep a windlace in your items at level 20

                                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  Yeah so? It's still useless. Very very few heroes need move speed SO badly that they would trade it for an ultimate orb worth of stats.


                                                                                                    So far sam has been saying right things

                                                                                                    I think icefrog doesn't call any important shots anymore. He gets told by valve to do something and he has to oblige.


                                                                                                      Sam has been doing nothing but whining lol, sth agreeing w u does not make it a right thing.
                                                                                                      " 7 STR to 8? WAOW, HERO LITERALLY PLAYABLE " -> that's called gradually buffing the talent, Mr. Sherlock. If it was 7->17 STR people would whine "OMG WTF IS THIS BUFF TOO OP ICEFROG NO BRAIN"
                                                                                                      SUPPORTS would want movespeed more than irrelevant stat for them. If the movespeed increase was big enough it would definitely be worth it.
                                                                                                      "at least change the talents to things that alter the hero fundamentally, not some fucking stat increase" -> when you have made your own MOBA maybe you can lecture Icefrog on what you can do to "fundamentally alter" heroes. There are already talents that do so, it takes time.

                                                                                                      Small Song

                                                                                                        Icefrog is an LMD.