General Discussion

General DiscussionRip new meta ember?

Rip new meta ember? in General Discussion
Samwise Gamgee

    With the buff dmg to the BF (again ) and the change to ember talents, they nerf magic build is the end of magic ember?

    Cleave damage increased from 35% to 40%
    Critical Strike damage increased from 230% to 235%

    Level 10 Talent reduced from +12% Spell Amplification to 10%
    Level 10 Talent increased from +20 Damage to +25
    Level 20 Talent increased from +8 Armor to +10
    Level 20 Talent changed from +15% Cooldown Reduction to +500 Flame Guard Absorption
    Level 25 Talent changed from +500 Flame Guard Absorption to +20% Cooldown Reduction


      Perma chains was just a bonus


        It may kill magic dmg ember but i dont think enough to make regular old school one better


          I think the build shud be fine in all honesty.

          Samwise Gamgee

            I dont now if better but viable again prob. With +25 Dmg / + 8 Stats / + 10 armor / + CD or Chains

            Direstui Pacar Main Dota

              gg lvl 25 cooldown is 20% .
              is better now .hell yeah!


                Lol use Krobelus. Heavily buffed!


                  So you guys are saying magic ember is still stronger than dmg ember? +500 shield with +2 sec chain. wtf?


                    Remains to be seen whether this will kill the hero. OD found a way to come crawling back and I am certain Ember will.


                      ember is still insane, all he really needs is the cd talent