General Discussion

General DiscussionItems on Arc Warden

Items on Arc Warden in General Discussion

    I tried playing arc warden recently and he's so fun to play. I know everyone build aquila midas and travels every game into a bunch of different items (mjo, sb, orchid, dragon lance etc) but I'm not sure which item to go and for what situation.

    Do you build dragon lance immediately after your early items?

    Do you build mjolnir first or shadowblade first?

    And is dagger better than shadow blade for this hero? The attack speed from sb helps but I think dagger gives more utility and is cheaper.

    doc joferlyn simp

      you listen to caravan palace?

      doc joferlyn simp

        why do you force play a dead hero? talent changes does nothing for him and splitpush is not as rewarding as it once was. moreover roamers/gankers have it easier with more runes and shrine access, zet sucks balls when ganked since all of his skills can be countered by using brain and he is squishy af

        try learning the balanced bear man? i heard hes still good somewhat

        Chao Vritra

          i have not played since well before 7.00 but for the little bit I played warden I'm pretty sure I had success with midas>travels>maelstrom>Necro3>moljinor>AC>rat

          Some games I would go divine rapier and just play him like tinker, literally never leaving the safe side of the map, just using travels and necro to rat lanes while team fights were happening. Im sure the build is much different now with dragon lance and stuff, and I was never that great at him, but just to give you something. I always favored pushing on him over fighting, though I know he excels at both.


            lmao those items?^

            just use the goddamn guides page, download some high mmr arc games AND ANALYSE THEM


              @Lord beerus. 6.86 called, they want their arc build back



                Yeah I do haha.

                The change on his level 10 talent +20 flux damage got me interested. There's also the few buffs hes got these past few patches.
                Idk actually, I've been playing a lot of 'dead' heroes lately like tiny and queen.


                  HAHAHA I only play with dead heroes.

                  Small Song

                    Any one play with the undead ones?


                      Ger +20 flux dps if you want -25

                      pls be patient very noob ...

                        what do you think of this guy's arc warden? dagon seems to work well for him


                          aquila midas brownboot maelstrom sb/lance travels mjollnir pike/silver/bloodthorn hex -> linkens mkb whatever
                          i prefer se over pike anyday tbh, easier to gank and move your double around when you tp it in to a lane etc
                          talents go +25 as +30 damage +and 30% lifesteal
                          go +100 range if you're already doing well, but %10 cd reduction if you need shorter midas cd, more ultis and lower item cd.
                          honestly i prefer %10 cd 90% of the time




                              lemon is a retard on the australian server that 5 stacks with a bunch of chinese fuckwits that fountain camp like 15 mins in and stack up hundreds of kills