General Discussion

General DiscussionBrood is back

Brood is back in General Discussion

    4 straight buffs. Nearly unstoppable from the midlane with the ability to flash farm ancients at the 5 min mark.
    Its hard convincing others to let you mid since a lot of people have a 6.88 brood mentality when she was crap.

    Anyways i know i am 2k shit that slid to like 1.6 but i have just spammed her all weekend. Nearly every game the teams mid gets flamed relentlessly and either denys items or rage quits.

    I know Bulldog doesnt like Orchid on brood but i dont see how it isnt your 2nd item besides soul ring. How else can you prevent blink away heros, stuns or any aoe damage?


      have to admit its strong i allrdy watced chinese pubs shes picked alot

      doc joferlyn simp

        in my brief time of playing the game from 1k to 2k, i have never, never seen a guy actually destroy his items and rage quit just because of a presumably bad pick. only see that when a guy hovers to lc and places dibs on the jungle, but then out of the blue another guy steals lc. even then the throw is just a refusal to play the game, not full on batshit crazy


          I guess i sort of feel bad sometimes when you kill the mid invoker 4 times in the first 6 mins and their team is asing for reports in all chat. Unless you have an axe, bristle or tide nobody can solo vs a brood and not end up as food. Their supports usually arent rotating over since they are busy stealing their saflaners XP

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            I actually like +12 Spiders Attack Damage
            But most people take +70 Attack Speed, they wanna feel the carry power in the hero but Brood isn't a good carry to join fights
            If I have like 15 spiders, that's 180 Damage a second
            I would rather play Brood like Blood, hit and run using Echo Sabre
            With Deso, Brood can chip off towers pretty fast since 7.03 lowered tower armor
            She's easily a pubstomper until 4k if you know how to play her and taking objectives.

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              if you are getting orchid first item then you can skip soulring so long as you get treads.

              GRANT MACDONALD

                the spider builds have their place i think but by the time i am lv 15 i am more or less chewing heros down solo anyways. Spiders are good for first 10 mins but they fall hard and i find their usefulness is in ratting and clearing camps.
                Ive played a couple games that went late- which i know is not ideal for brood anyways where its 40 mins and i kind of wish i had the attack speed and webs


                  lol when i was playing semi carry venge with vladimirs i gave my broodmother a rampage with her ulti

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    5mit Ancient is not that impressive really, I do it every game with Lycan and Ursa.I even start at 4mit when I really got lucky spawn of NC camp.

                    Net and spider are her main straight but after middle game she fall of like no body business because net spider pretty useless and she also quite soft.
                    for AOE hero like Sven,ES,timber Kotl, Lina all counter her spider hard,you only accelerates enemies farm speed


                      ^ oknwe got it ur jungler player anything new in ur life ?? no ??? ok


                        you forgot sf. i once won against brood coz i flash-farmed her byond-massive spider stack multiple times with razes xD

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          ^^Advance to new higher mmr range and improvement in skill everyday since last monday count?

                          Oh wait we only play on 1 same map everyday we can't learn anything new if we only repeatedly play 1 map

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                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            ^^It's an ect. anyone with wave clean aoe skill will do the job


                              not everyone, like magnus cant clear the full hp spiders with one nuke


                                Anyway, the most important question hasn't been answered - how do you persuade your team that your mid Brood isn't retarded?

                                Do you fake highlight invoker and bait and switch?


                                  Buffs on a hero doesn't necessarily make them good. Better than before? Yes. Good hero? No.

                                  GRANT MACDONALD

                                    Thats why you dont use spiders mid game if they have aoe clear. Nothing triggers me more than a chen or NP who endlessly feeds minions.

                                    Yes, you can farm ancients early with Ursa or Lycan. You also cant simultaneously mid and path thru the trees to do it.


                                      @cheaplaighing guy

                                      your ult guves you 140% lifesteal, so if you get 70 atk speed that synergizes extremely well.

                                      only very limited people would take +spider damage over +70 attack speed


                                        I'm too horrendous on micro to play brood