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General DiscussionFps expectations

Fps expectations in General Discussion

    GT 620 G3260 4GB DDR3 H81M motherboard,what fps can i expect on all low 16:9 1600x900? Thanks.


      well your cpu should be able to keep up with like 60-70 fps.

      but GT 620 wtf. you might be getting 30 fps with all low settings, but probably even less than that. Overall unplayable IMO.

      you could probably get a 4-5 year old used gtx card off ebay for $25 that would let you play 60 fps on med/high.


        3 world country hard to find cheap stuff. i will up my gpu to gt 730 if i get 30 fps.i curently get 20-40 with intel core duo e4500,if i get stable 50 i will be ok.


          30 fps is actually playable. i also played with like 20 fps until i bought the rx 480 which was like 2 month ago.


            Currently I'm running:

            G3220 Haswell
            4GB DDR3 on H81 MB
            GT520 which is literally the same GPU as yours GT620

            Running at 1280x1024, all low, render is set to 70%

            Farming lane, ganking, exploring the map - 85-110 FPS

            5v5 teamfights, chaos on the map, pushing as 5 when enemy team is defending 0 70-60 with lowest 40-45.

            Hope it helps.


            I have R7 270X aswell, it changes dramatically when I put that GPU.

            Now I have:

            120 caped most of the time, never goes below mid 50 , but in like worst case scenarios.

            If you can, get at least GT630, but the best deal would be at least R7 250.

            Give me the list of the GPU's you can buy, I'll give you the best one.


              it depends
              what is the resolution of your monitor?


                i will buy r7 250 or gt 730.Need to up my hard drive too.




                    literally unplayable

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      can you please don't waste as little as you have on a trash? just get something decent that is used. I mean just look what kind of trash this low end piece of shit is for that kinda price. I hope u will understand what's the point in these videos. If you can't afford something now, you just better save and buy something decent when you can.

                      Btw I did some research now and cheapest gt 730 costs ~50 euros and for 50-60 euros you can also buy GTX 660!!! that card would fucking destroy it in terms of performance!! also radeon hd 6850, 6870's, 7850's are cheap as fuck too anywhere from 40 - 70 euros.

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        i got gt i5 3210, 4gb ram, nvidia 645m (laptop card are usually weaker) on 1080p i got around 50+fps in laning, during teamfight around 35+ fps, is kinda playable, if idling in 30fps, that is totally unplayable, chronosphere, any skill from bane, things like that will ruin your performance.

                        setting, everything off, besides animated avatar, texture quality high, and render 100%,

                        cap your fps to lowest as well, 60 if im not mistaken

                        make sure you turn off EVERYTHING while dota, this is freaking important, no itunes, no chrome, no skype, and some other unnecessarily background task (Task Manager)

                        that case im pretty sure you dont have to change anything...

                        and what system you are in, if win 7 turn that crappy aero effect off, if win8/10 doesnt matter

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          @aFeect im 17 and i cant ask for money from my parents its ridicolous,just need decent gpu to get like 60 stable fps.Btw r7 240 here is 50 eu :)) And in your country or wherever u are is 30$ less or more.


                            i've been saving 4-5 months..


                              try my method, you'll probably dont have to upgrade anything, save that money for bigger upgrade

                              your gpu isnt totally unusable (close to mine), just you might need to clean your system...(defragment once in a while, virus check etc) if mine can run on 1080p, your's shouldnt be a problem too... plus you got better cpu than mine (mine base@2.5ghz, yours is 3.3ghz), i literally dont think theres any problem


                              if you're changing a harddrive, i would say go for ssd, 128gb is totally fine, hdd is definitely no go

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                can you buy used stuff? is there some local site or something that you have for that? I found shit ton of used graphics cards that cost ~ the same 40-60 euros and deliver sooo much better. gt 730, r7 240 is just a waste of money even if it's 20 euros.

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                  @Egoist is ssd 128 gb enough for windows 7 and other stuff? I play dota 2 only and csgo on rare ocassions.


                                    Don't get the GT730, just get the R7 250 and you'll be fine. If u can get RX460, 2GIG version that'd be amazing.


                                      r7 250 is a terrible value too, I'd rather spend 20 euros more and get a GTX 960 which would fucking murder it in everything. Unless you can also find it used, but I had no luck, apparently nobody sells them in my country XD

                                      @?_? yes 128gb ssd will be enough for windows and these 2 games, and you'll also have almost half of that space left free.

                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                        128g is enough, say you got at least 105gb (label as 128gb), 30gb for windows, 30gb for dota2+csgo, you still have at least 30gb left (dont used them up, its not advisable to maxed out a ssd storage, leave that 30gb alone)


                                          @ affect

                                          You have to understand that GTX960 isnt really a good buy anymore, since it's almost the same price as RX470, and pretty much is an old GPU in 2k17.

                                          Now, obviously that R7 250/250X is not an amazing GPU, but if he can find it new for about 80-90$, that's a decent price for that GPU and it will work just fine for Dota and CS.go(if he only plays that) with G3260 CPU.

                                          Now, the best deal would be to get RX460 2GB, since that GPU is literally a killer in about 100-120$ range. Really low powerconsuption, good perfomer at 1080p, or, there's a counterpart for Nvidia which is obviously, the GTX1050 2GB.

                                          Whatever he decides to choose out of these 2 GPU he won't make mistake, but with that being said, obviusly, he shouldn't get the G3260 either, since the G4560 is just WAAY better cpu both @ IPC wise and offers HT which some games really like.

                                          But since we don;t know if he can actually GET the components we'd like him to get, we need to work with what he CAN get, not what we want him to get.

                                          Anyways, ideal build for him would be:

                                          Cheapest H110 board
                                          At least 4GB of DDR4 but 8 GB would be ideal(4gb is okay for a start and Dota+CSGO will work okay with it)
                                          500GB or 1TB HDD or an SSD if he won't put anything else but OS + Dota+CS GO on it(maybe a movie or a TV Show up to 10-15GB)
                                          PowerSupply and case, just some basic one, since this rig doesn;t draw a lot of power
                                          RX460 or GTX1050


                                            how it's not a good buy when you can find them for 90-110 euros? meanwhile rx 470's are ~200 euros.
                                            I'd rather have that kinda performance for 100 euros :D

                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                              I don't know where you can buy GTX960 for 110E, but even if you could, it's way better to get GTX1050 or RX460. It might be a little slower than the old GTX960, but despite that fact, it'll outperform the GTX960 in a long run, because of the drivers that'll get jsut better for a newer GPU's.

                                              The history will repeat, as we know(hopefully we know?) remember what happened to GTX680, GTX780, Kepler based Titans/etc.

                                              They got murdered by drivers basically.


                                                I just opened local site where ppl sell used stuff here u go it's a lot of them and it looks like they are selling like hot cakes atm.

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  It's even worse then. Because for 110-115 euros you can buy NEW-never-used GTX1050 or RX460 which is overall a better buy than old-used GTX960.

                                                  You either didn;t read me or refuse to accept the truth.


                                                    well guys if i get 40-50 fps and it lags i will up my gpu to gt 730 and play fine.Maybe sell them later and when i save will up my cpu to i5 and then other stuff if i feel like gaming more.How much does 128 ssd cost in your country ? i checked here is 55 euros.


                                                      guys, just a reminder that he's not changing his cpu, wont it (the G3260) be bottlenecking anything above gtx 950 kind of card??


                                                        I'm giving up on you OP, because you ask for advice but, you don;'t listen to us. What's even more terrible is the fact you don't even try to communicate with us.

                                                        Gl with your jurney on buying a new PC



                                                          @ Egoist

                                                          it really depends man on what game, G3260 is pretty good performer for Dota and CS.GO.

                                                          It will bottleneck even GTX950/RX460/GTX1050 in some situations, and in some it won't.


                                                            Dude i asked what fps i can expect not to recommends me gpus&cpus i cant afford.Thank you for your help,read the title again thank you


                                                              Then you got your answer 2 hours ago.


                                                                if i was on pc all day i would have bought better gpu or cpu but till that day comes i need dota 2 to not lags. 60 fps nothing more. :)))


                                                                  gigabyte seems to offer the cheapest one ~20+ extra for a little worse performing card? dunno even if it's new and if I would be on that kinda tight budget, just naaah, I doubt it's worth spending more on a gtx 1050, 960 performs better and it costs less.


                                                                    by the way,my friend plays on ultra with r7 240 without fps problems.So theese ''thrash'' gpus are not that thrash.Same cpu as mine.


                                                                      Gledam da si iz Makedonija, i mislam da te razbiram. :)

                                                                      Ja sam iz Srbije, tako da znam kako je..


                                                                        whoa whoa dont start~~ they are just try to find the best bet for you, in case you choose to upgrade~~

                                                                        in my opinion is try to get the most out of your current system, if that doesnt work, or you have some spare cash, then you can consider their suggestion~~


                                                                          @ Affects

                                                                          You, apparently, didn;t read my post, or you just decide to ignore parts you don't like, to support your claims.

                                                                          I never said GTX1050 or RX460 are stronger GPU's than GTX960, but they are newer and will eventually at least TIE with GTX960 if not even outperform it, because of the driver support.

                                                                          It is 100% legit move to go for a newer/more efficient GPU, with warranty, than to get a USED GTX960 with no warranty or just "working waranty of a couple of days"

                                                                          It's easy to judge for others, once you put yourself into situation against GTX960 with no warranty and GTX1050 with warranty, for just 10 more bucks, you'll probably change your mind.

                                                                          Not to mention that even a new GTX960 for 120$ is not a better buy in a long run compared to GTX1050.


                                                                            I never said GTX1050 or RX460 are stronger GPU's than GTX960, but they are newer and will eventually at least TIE with GTX960 if not even outperform it, because of the driver support.

                                                                            Then what's the point of paying more? cuz it's new? and u have to hope for drivers? it's not gonna perform better at best it will tie in some it will lose in some it will be ~ the same ye. I'm sure you can cut used cards price a bit more too, just ask the seller to drop it by 5-10 euros or smth like that LUL, most of them agree actually.


                                                                              ok boys


                                                                                @Vertoxity dude you from Serbia?? quick question if you dont mind, i have a lecturer who is a Serbian too, he told us that Serbians make good house coffee, and that hurt Starbucks a little, is that true?? lmao

                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                  ^they also have Cevapi XD


                                                                                    ^they also have Cevapi XD

                                                                                    immediately regret my decision for googling that, it's 6am here


                                                                                      @ Affects

                                                                                      While I agree with you, I just can't advice buying used stuff, because at least with the new one, you can return it back and get the working GPU in case first one fails.

                                                                                      That's the main issue, pretty much. In Makedonija, people doesn't live a rich life, getting to spend a 100E for a GPU is not a small deal, they can't afford mistakes.

                                                                                      @ Egoist

                                                                                      I rarely drink a Caffee, I usually go with 3 in 1, and I just pour some hot water. If you mean Turkish-Black Coffe, then I'm afraid I can't give you a proper answer to that question, but I tell you this:

                                                                                      It depends. Usually to make a good Turkish caffee, you have to be skilled.


                                                                                        @OP For your budget and situation. Because clearly you cant afford new card. Sell your GT620, add your saved money and get HD7750/7770. That should be decent FPS experience for your resolution and solid graphic details (60+-). Also you can set API for Dota to be Vulkan, that will give you additional boost.

                                                                                        You dont need SSD for this yet (wouldnt help you much with FPS thing), next thing after GPU upgrade on your list should be another 4GB stick of RAM and you are set to go.. :)

                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                          Is 10 fps in team fight enough


                                                                                            depends if you like to lose

                                                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                                                              i play on 10 fps and its not good

                                                                                              heck even 20 is bad


                                                                                                @OP unless you are playing at like 50% render quality or something, you'll might get 60 fps in lane, but when shit starts to happen, its going to go down to like 30 or less.

                                                                                                IF this is ok with you then go for it, otherwise a decent used gpu will let you upgrade to a constant 70-100 fps on high settings for maybe $25-40