General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat makes you triggered in 2k

What makes you triggered in 2k in General Discussion

    Cour usage recently i had a game where my cour is full of 2agh and 1moon shard and they still wont let me use my cour


      Waiting 10 years to pick at picking stage as if analyzing the line up but end up picking retarded farmer hero anyway.


        "Draft in 2k dont matter"


          carries tp directly into enemy team when trying to base defense, or fuggit any defense


            Dat midas sny am?

            casual gamer

              yeahpeople jack my courier in 3k but usually i can get it back from them by spamming bottle > ready and >my bad

              casual gamer

                my bad is mvp chat wheel line in terms of usefulness and most used. second best is roshan and nice/wp


                  Draft in 2k dont matter
                  What matters is the player
                  If you pick shits like CM MK enigma etc wombo combo but CM steals farm from the carry and feed like your typical support, MK spind around doing nothing, and enigma rushes midas and got it at min 10 while eating the jungle creeps forever, then you'd still lose anyway


                    everyone being awful at the game


                      everyone so bad at the game that i feel bad winning because im the only one who knows that everybody sucks


                        *im losing my lane so i blame mid for not ganking*


                          Yea cour


                            Auto attacking in lane

                            Président® Salted Butter

                              Pudge pickers who think pudge is not a support
                              People who steal last hits
                              "PICK TANKER"
                              "GG NO TANKER"
                              "PICK RANGE"
                              "GG ALL MELEE"

                              mr. rabbit

                                everything including myself


                                  Oh and the min -1 flame though. Holy shiet im goot at dota every one sucks so ill keep my kda and feed the cour


                                    2ks blame midd most and take courier to their safelane for ward or sticks


                                      For lulz i feed the main courier and buy my own. You'd be shocked at how many people just dont know how to use the 2nd courier, or dont even know it exists


                                        They don't know how to play

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