General Discussion

General DiscussionBest +25 hard carry 1-2K mmr

Best +25 hard carry 1-2K mmr in General Discussion

    need advice


      Morphling(start off with 2 sets of tangos, 4 branches and a circlet) skill morph first and morph everything into agi in base. The double set of tangos+ 2 branches to eat for extra regen and the magic stick should give you enough sustain even vs very aggressive lanes. Depending on how hard the lane is buy your brown boots or ring of health first. Then go for perseverance, dlance, BoTs and then linkens(interchangeably). After that go for the 1k destroyer build and go eblade followed by literally any recommended item and you'll win 75% of games. Remember skill eqqeqrqee for most survivability and make a replicate of offlaner to tank tower aggro and push t1. Make a replicate of a tanky hero on your team and send him top/bot while you split push the other lane, nobody will realize what's going on when you push in the lane super far, go to your replicate, push out the other lane and reuse BoTs to go to the beginning lane(make another replicate and go for cd reduction talent) this way you get insane cs and any support that rotates in to contest gets shot gunned down


        Do this vs teamfight oriented enemies, this can work even if you're the only carry on the team(or it's a 5 man carry team) just make sure you don't dive without a replicate out and feed away all that gold you're getting and make sure to play very cautious vs heroes that can mass disable you and kill you through your strength morph. Other than that enjoy your free trip to 2k

        グァjust another funeral伝

          slark. 1-2 trash cant cope with warding all game, so u will rape them. Supports who always go alone are food for him. 1 advice, u need to get essence shift at lvl 1 in order to stay ur lane well and then max darkpact. byu pt,aquilla,Sb, sabre, silver then decide by urself. gl


            literally anything, like i've said picks dont matter up to 5-6k mmr

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              Alchemist. Always remember that go Armlet first before going Rad. Don't go with the shiva build.
              -Manta Style
              -Octarine Core
              -Assault Cuirass
              -sell Armlet for Abbysal Blade
              -Moonshards or Aghs for you or your team


                play pa mid, spam dagger at enemy, once you get 6 its gonna be easy kills and snowball if you also can farm a bit
                i played a bit on my friend smurf (800 mmr) its a different game, there is no roles like roam or hardlane, people prefer pick early fights heroes (riki ns bristle pa etc etc) getting lvl's/kills on line and starting roaming around the map to kill everyone on their way, the only problem of players here they are not getting towers after kills so yo easily can splitpush/farm cuz your teammates gonna be even worse than your enemy
                best heroes i think is clinkz, meepo, dont pick weak heroes who cant escape gangs and needed 10min freefarm
                just win a game as clinkz where i had my teammate sniper who initially feed himself and courier (0-20 kd) by splitpush and kill solo targets


                  slark cuz they never buy detection


                    CK looks my latest game


                      ck is good but beware Medusa ulti



                        Use chatwhell=mute

                          Wk jungle

                          white boy summer

                            slark riki am spec

                            Savvy Cat

                              When I actually feel like winning, instead of trolling, I pick CM hard carry and do all the carry man fighting.


                                Spectre. Afk farm then multi into team fights.