General Discussion

General DiscussionSafelane

Safelane in General Discussion

    Ok, guys 2,7 scrub here, im not a delusional guy, i know i deserve this mmr, by watching my replays i can say how poorly i played.

    So, i ve been struggling a lot on safe lane, tried (2 slipperys 2 sets of tangoes), (2 slipperies tango and salve), (mango, clarity, tango, salve and stout shield) all on jug.

    And im so fking pressured, against sk, axe, timber, even necro. I had to go a casua ring of health on my lately games cuz i couldnt stand in lane and couldnt use the courier to bring more regen.

    I know that the hard lane now has the advantage cuz of near shrine. If i were solo i wouldnt bother, but mostly i get supps that just leech exp, and when i see, im like 2 lvls behind the offlane.

    I see some high lvl games where its getting normal to supps sack the safe lane and roam in duos trying to pressure mid and the eenmy safe lane.

    Should i change my hero pool of AM, jug, and this more traditional safe laners, to those that maybe can try to keep the pressure without help i ve seen a lot of lifestealers that i know are better on a 1v1 scenario against those guys (am i wrong?)

    thats all folks


      If you got a very bad lane get a talon and go jungle get lv 6 then you tp to a winning lane and take their tower

      mr. rabbit

        against sk u have to kick him out of lane lv 1. its ur best shot at winning that matchup. timber is also the same, but when they hit lv 2 and especially lv 3 if u still dont have a considerable lead u need to jungle asap because ur never gonna get farm in that lane

        axe vs jugg/am is almost unwinnable 1v1

        necro u literally just ferry more regen, necro off players r so bad even in 3k that u can kill them over and over again ferry regen then repeat

        if ur support is just leeching off ur xp nonstop then u should try to rotate in the jungle, theoretically u can get 1 full camp + 1 missed lane creep, but thats better than risking ur life trying to get more out of ur lane

        basically u need to realize if theres nothing more u can do at ur lane, ur job is to get farmed up no matter what so even if it means u have to give up ur t1 rly early its better than staying at lane and getting no farm + risk of dying


          i guess you try to pressure with Q once you get into the lane if your support have stun or slow and try to send them back/kill them so you always out-farm them and kill them at least once more at lvl 6. axe is usually very good vs juggernaut so keep this in mind , also if you can go mid juggernaut you might have easier time rn.
          am is not very good in our bracket since people are playing tekken on large map and am needs a good chunk of resources before fighting


            Sounds like you should avoid those lanes if u r melee carry. Don't bother looking at high level gAmes. Games are that way because ppl understand match ups better.

            So there's 2 things u can do if u have a shitty support / no support, and a weak lane, u dodge (go jungle, start mid, go offlane) or u stay in lane and learn to lane better and not die. It's definitely possible to outplay in a hard lane, although not advisable.

            In 2.7k, u see shitty lane set ups for a reason. Usually it doesn't matter that much how laning phase goes because you will eventually get so much space mid game.

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            mr. rabbit

              yeah in 3k when i play axe against jugg/am and i kill them or their support they still stay at lane till theyre 6 so i get to pressure them so much until i basically have control over everything on their side of the map

              dont let that ever happen to u, u have to realize when u still have control over ur jungle and abuse it asap, because when it gets to the point where the enemy's stomping hard enough and ur jungle is unsafe, ur forced to go to enemy jungle while ur team is getting killed over and over again, shit's gonna get harder if this happens

              Ryan Gosling Fan

                Just Spam Medusa on this mmr. You always win lane, you always win late.


                  ^ really? So op it seems


                    what if there's a spectre in the enemy team?


                      You always lose lane, you always lose late. :)


                        ^ u talking about antimage?


                          dusa vs diffusal spectre , am cant fight 6 slotted spectre thou but can finish early


                            Sooner or later, the hero that you can't deal with will snowball in your lane so you better grab Iron Talon and go jungle when you can, no I mean HAVE TO. No point staying in lane when you are not being able to kill a creep and when you know that you are going to end up feeding the enemy.