General Discussion

General DiscussionMay I get some help?

May I get some help? in General Discussion
True North

    I have a list of questions to make myself adapt better in situations.

    1. The whole team fights for mid since the first minute.
    2. The 2 afk junglers with all lanes failing.
    3. The low profile level players that gets up somewhere in 3K, gets babysit-ed into building the first item shadow blade.
    4. The first pick carries that gets easily countered.
    5. The 10K mid that fails mid with solo mid starter pack.

    Ова тема је измењена
    doc joferlyn simp

      seems like a case of dunning kruger


        1. either help them resolve it or stay out of it
        2. you go jungle with them if you can't stay in lane and get whatever gold you can till all the t1/t2 falls then you can def t3
        3. i don't see an issue with this
        4. i don't see an issue with this either
        5. i don't see an issue with this either


          be positive

          1. good for you! you can get safe carry while they fight over mid

          2. At least you will win lategame! just dont take fights and farm safely

          3. shit happens, you also will have these people in enemy team

          4. then counter their counter

          5. sais the dude that fails mid himself constantly

          look at my last ranked match,
          -i had a riki that flamed all chat from picking phase to the end of the game, built battlefury and kept splitpushing instead of joining fights
          - a pudge that picked the hero because: mid was marking pudge, he said pudge sucks mid (true though) and then he picked pudge himself so that the other dude wouldnt pick pudge mid. even though he couldnt play the hero and missed most hooks.which also left me in safelane without support

          sound pretty shit right? everyone was flaming even before the game started?

          now how did i go 17 0 13 and won the match against the odds?

          because i didnt get triggered and just played to the best of my ability, instead of whining about my bad teammates.

          maybe you should untilt yourself and become positive yourself.

          anything below 3k is 90% ABOUT MENTALITY.
          the team that flames looses.

          the team that has the 1 guy that sais its all ok we will win, good job, dont worry ill carry the game (and so on) will 100 win the game.

          you cant change your teammates. but you can influence them.

          either negatively by flaming

          or positivly by getting a mic and being nice and supportive

          Овај коментар је измењен

            345 can be solved easily by skillz and coordination

            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

              Cookie I request a replay analiys by you !! :'(


                because i didnt get triggered and just played to the best of my ability, instead of whining about my bad teammates.
                maybe you should untilt yourself and become positive yourself.

                True North

                  Thank you cookie.

                  True North

                    Muchas gracias thanks. This helps a lot.


                      if you have time check out the dude "siractionslacks"

                      he literally plays like 2k, no mechanical skills, build meme builds. but he is 4k.
                      ONLY because he is positive and creates a positive energy in his team. he is literally immune to flamers or griefers

                      dont copy his playstyle though

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        hes 5k btw


                          If you get tilted easily but good enough to carry games, mute everyone and do your own thing
                          Otherwise PMA and make enjoyable playing enviroment

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            back when omni wasnt nerfed yet


                              sure, just add me and i'll analyse


                                soulring rush omniknight to 5k