General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you think of the Stric Solo Ranked box?

What do you think of the Stric Solo Ranked box? in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Should you check it when you're solo queueing? Will it lead to better games? Possibly better winrates?

    I'm asking because to be honest, my experience being queued with a 2-stack isn't all that bad. They add an extra layer of coordination to the team, and they're less likely to tilt.

    casual gamer

      thank god

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Needed it since year 2000


          It's dumb. It's just to appease crybabies who need an excuse for why they lost which could never be their own fault of course.

          Especially that party mmr takes your larger mmr now. Which was the only real problem.

          Овај коментар је измењен
          casual gamer


              Hopefully means more Aus players play on their mains instead of taking my mmr with 5k smurfs. Good change should help matchmaking be a bit better especially the party ranked change.

              Fee Too Pee

                i do not want when i solo que its turns out my carry is 2k. NOPE

                not arin

                  It's dumb. It's just to appease crybabies who need an excuse for why they lost which could never be their own fault of course.

                  where do u get the fucking idea that people using their worthless party mmr instead of solos are good to have in team
                  the risk to ruin the game goes up by 300% since there's nearly no downside to this except very low risk of lpq if ure not doing it properly

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    Fox, I agree with you. I would rather not check it because I like the extra coordination


                      Parties don't throw because they don't want to ruin their friends game.

                      So many times I'm playing on my smurf with friends in party queue and some dipshit starts being cancer so I want to just start running down mid, but I don't just because I don't want to ruin my friends game.

                      The only issue party ever had was the MMR gaps.

                      Keep blaming tho.

                      People say "lul party I throw" so you use that excuse, but people don't throw party any more than they do solo, probably less actually. Please let me know how perfect your solo players are and will never throw.

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        logically even if parties don't throw they are still unfair because they have the communication and the previous knowledge about their teammate advantage so it is better to be solo vs solo and party vs party

                        it is not like parties will not be able to play ranked so why would anyone complain

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                          Que would be 10 years and games +10 -40


                            Queueing with Parties is very hit or miss. The discrepancy between competent and outclassed 2 or 3 stacks from one game to another is alarming. Strict solo queue makes matchmaking less jarring. I think. It won't stop ragers and feeders......or randomers. But as long as your teammates pick can actually play the heroes that got them to their skill level, the game should be balanced

                            Tommy Shelby

                              The only downside is that you cant find match as a party of 4


                                Playing with parties is perfectly fair because it queues you against parties too. Whatever advantages or disadvantages they have the other team has as well. The major problem of mmr gap was solved.

                                And before you say jajajaj I've queued versus parties and I'm all solo - it's a matchmaking priority, not a restriction. Sometimes it will get through.

                                not arin

                                  ? more than half of the times parties are like "hueHUE who cares it's only party mmr for me ure not geting 5k xDDD"

                                  stop trying to pull off any bullshit arguments like "but you're against duostack too" the base idea is just plain wrong and stupid

                                  with ur reasoning i could say "let's put one 7k person in every 3k game and it's perfectly ok and balanced because it's 4x 3k and 7k on the enemy team"

                                  not arin

                                    why would you want to have some kind of consistency in your games when there can be one tryhard dual offlane and two feeders on the other team, right?
                                    but it's ok because the amount of these people on either team eventually evens out!


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                                      From my personal perspective, I'd use it, since based from my own behavior. I use party ranked as a field of experimentation, trolling, etc. You don't like anyone on your team experimenting his heroes and all. So yeah. It's a matter of personal preference I guess.

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                                        "huebeueuehuehe ur not winning this game"

                                        > Breaks items

                                        > Runs down mid

                                        Sound familiar? That's because it's what solely party players do. /s


                                          I have literally played games in party mmr where its 5 solo players vs two duo stacks and 1 random. Not to mention our duos were both 4-5k party mmr and 6k+ solo mmr. Really unfair and shit to play that type of game.


                                            People really don't read do they.

                                            Most games are equal party vs party, eg duo vs duo, but it's not a rule in the matchmaking sometimes it won't work out perfectly. The same reason you'll sometimes see 5ks in 7k games.

                                            And the MMR gap of party mmr is fixed for now. If your solo is higher that mmr is used instead.

                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                              this new update is great in 4k bracket i feel like games are getting better and better


                                                PA intentionally feeding while in a party


                                                  Why are you guys so braindead.

                                                  OF course it will still happen. But it will happen in solo queue too. Cancer isn't cured by parties. But it helps that they probably don't want to ruin their friends game. They don't give a fuck about the other 9 players in the game, but if 1 or more players are their friend they are less likely to feed.

                                                  Regardless it's not an absolute, some people are so cancer they don't care about their friends either.


                                                    Solo Ranked Queue is heaven.


                                                      it was never and will never be balanced if party play vs solo dude and i am almost only play party , i have close friend from my country and several cool-dude-from-the-last-game friends and i know that i have a way higher chance to win when playing with my friend than playing with people i just added after random game simply because i know his play style and heroes perfectly and know how to play around him.

                                                      you cant know if the party you are against are just cool-dude-from-the-last-game or they are irl friends with strong strat and high communication.

                                                      you can't made a system that know that so at least keep it away from the tryhard solo mode

                                                      and i am not even talking about 3k-party-7k-solo players


                                                        the party you are against has the same advantage of knowing each other's play styles.

                                                        the odds are the same of your party being braindeads who don't give a fuck, as it is to being tryhard duo stack.

                                                        just the same as in solo queue getting some braindead monkey feeder, or some tryhard who will do anything to win.


                                                          no more "i random its group mmr i dont care" thx!

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            no more "i random its group mmr i dont care" thx!

                                                            There's a reason why I random in any party queue Ranked game lmao

                                                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                              Parties don't throw because they don't want to ruin their friends game.

                                                              seatards beg to differ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                ^Word up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                  ^^yeah seatards beg to differ


                                                                    no man you don't get me , i am talking about the communication advantage , and since there is no system can show how good people communicate it is better to be tryhard vs tryhard

                                                                    and still the main point when someone with 2-3k mmr higher than the average play party ranked , it happened to me once vs 2k party 5k solo and it was the shittest feeling of defeat i have ever felt and please don't say in long term there will be 5k in your game that will carry you while you feel like trash that does nothing, no thank you; i don't see a fucking one single reason to say that party playing vs solo is better than solo vs solo

                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                      You can have parties that play together in cybercafé and parties that don't
                                                                      The one with clearer and better communication will have an edge
                                                                      And sometimes I get pilot passing by, damn the lower MMR dude will fucking ruin the game even if the higher MMR guy tries to save things, it won't be as enjoyable as solos.
                                                                      Party games are usually one-sided, they're not consistent. They usually go together in lanes and rekt that lane hard.
                                                                      Also lets say the 3k supports and 6k carries, it's bound to be better than 4k support and carry because the game is decided by the carries if they managed early game.
                                                                      I mean getting individuals solo with more averaged MMR is much more consistent than having a 1k gap party, right?

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                      not arin

                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                          i have it unchecked cos a duo stack is more coordinated than 2 randoms and they're equally shit on both teams

                                                                            Овај коментар је избрисан.

                                                                              don't do this at 3kmmr tried it and its really bad dude but 3k is bad so i cant say much


                                                                                Honestly it doesn't make a difference for win rate. But if you have fantasies that it does effect you go right on ahead.


                                                                                  Strict solo ranked is the best thing introduced to data since I started playing (last December).

                                                                                  First, I usually play as a carry and most 2 man parties will want to play carry and a support. Then you might have a team of 2k's playing a in a 4k game because their party mmr is higher, mainly because their higher mmr friends helped them calibrated/reaching higher party mmr


                                                                                    Because some plays tilted when in parties, well based on my personal perspective because I throw most of the time when in party.