General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I stop being a tilted shitstain?

How do I stop being a tilted shitstain? in General Discussion
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    I've realised that the thing holding me back the most is that I tilt and have that toxic 'I am the hot shit' attitude.

    Half of the games I've lost were winnable, were I not to rage and make too many mistakes.

    How do I overcome my hot attitude to the game?

    5k+ replies with such experience replying would have been really great to see.

    disgusting weebs

      just do not be a tilted shitstan? idk do u think there are some exercises or what rofl

      if u acknowledge the problem and know ure not the hot shit it shoudlnt be a problem to get rid of ur attitude because u know it isnt backed up by anything

      idk at least thats how it worked for me


        keep calm


          Seeing as your russian.. I presume you should drink more vodka to "chill out"


            Play dota because you enjoy it, Focus on your own play. Look at the positives, and get a fucking grip, It's just a game. if you wouldn't say it to them face to face, don't say it to them over all chat. And finally you aren't as good as you think you are.

            In my experience players who flame think they're better than the person they're flaming. Talking shit to that person who made a mistake doesn't make you a better player, focusing on winning the game in all situations makes you the better player.

            doc joferlyn simp

              How do I stop being a tilted shitstain myself?

              For real though the tilt comes from anger that you don't have something, that you aren't able to get something. You get angry because what you see in your head is the best outcome like "waow every1 particpates every1 follow pos system with me as pos x" but what you get is quad core lineups that first pick heavy heroes, leaving you to the utility position. You say to yourself "eh they might be good and you just suck it up". What's worse is that they play bad. You get so sad on why it didn't go the way you wanted it to go, and from this comes disappointment, into anger, into "tilt", into, even worse, Dunning-Kruger.

              The problem, therefore, is that your expectations are too high. You have to realize that not everyone dedicates the amount of tryharding you apply in your games, and not everybody takes it as seriously as you do. Know that some people don't even read patch notes, and do not follow the picks as defined by the meta. You can only console yourself with the thought that since they picked x heroes, they have to have some defining trait, something good about them that makes them first pick their x hero. Might be shit at farming but great at decision making, shit with macro actions but good with micro actions. The thing is someone has to be good at SOMETHING like how you are good at something as well, leading to both of you being in the same MMR range. Basically, there is a reason why the both of you are more or less equal in terms of MMR, and if you think you're hot shit because you can rat well then they think they're hot shit because they can carry well.

              tl;dr You've got to be content with your games and focus on yourself, since you can't change others.


                mute your teammates and listen to some music.

                don't play a single game after you've lost for at least 1+ hour


                  every time you type 'you fucking retarded shit' in the chat to your teammate, take a second and think if that's EVER going to help you win a game. these are the people you're stuck with in a game for 40~ minutes only, so you shouldn't even waste your energy on talking shit. flaming people after a bad misplay or something similar makes them play even worse and is overall demoralizing to the team

                  if other people are being cancerous, ask them nicely to stop & keep playing, if that doesn't work, just mute

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                    Hi your friendly dota psychologist here to help. Tilt cOmes from the overwhelming negative emotions you experience. To stop it you must be more aware of your cognition. Catch yourself with Any negative thought in your head and don't let it develop. Take deep breath and focus on a positive. Do this exercise. And I mean catch every negative thought! Missed a last hit? And it's that fucking crystal Maidens fault for going e lvl 1? Catch that thought. tell yourself how nice crystal maiden looks today

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                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Don't play too many games in a day
                      Go watch some cat/dog/bunny videos after you tilt/lost and queue game again when you cooled down


                        Give less fucks


                          mastrubate will help


                            I'm a 3k shitstain but honestly the more you tilt the more you lose.

                            Like somebody said, saying in the chat "farm a bkb carry noob retard" NEVER helps your team.

                            So everytime you feel like saying something negative, even if it's a single word, try to rephrase it. "PA bkb is good here"

                            To be honest it also depends of your mood of the day, I suggest to not play ranked when you're angry/depressed/tired, because you will just tilt in 10 sec after a stupid thing and how many games we lost because we just mentally give up and stop try harding ?

                            When I feel like exploding sometimes I just mute everybody and try to do my best solo. It's negative for the team but it helps to focus on the game. And now I premute at the beginning of the game every negative player.

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              Smoke weed.


                                imo there are 2 super tilting factors in dota:

                                1.) teamates

                                2.) you get mad that u are getting owned (mostly from unfamiliar match ups, one sided match ups and super aggressive enemies etc) and you dont know what to do.


                                1.) mute and play for yourself play accordingly even though if ur decision is wrong u will learn from it and u will know what to do next time.

                                2.) same as the answer in num 1 and also u can watch high mmr palyers on what they do in that scenario and copy it.

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                                Tommy Shelby

                                  Yep, giving less fucks helps a lot

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    I don't see why only 5k+ is supposed to write here.

                                    If a 2k player tilted and figured a way to finish his tilt, then his advice is as good as miracles advice.

                                    To the topic, just communicate more with your team. The reason you get angry most of the time is because people are doing shit you're not expecting.

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      ^Wow Blunt acknowledging the 2k monkeys he likes liked to persecute! Things you don't see everyday

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                                        ^but he will never acknowledge 4k animals like me

                                        Player 404335202

                                          Stop playing dota u idiotic ideal person


                                            ^you gonna get the perma ban

                                            also jdf8

                                              pma is a constant struggle for me


                                                3k scrub here.

                                                What I like to do is at the beginning of the game, I say these things:

                                                -Do your best to win your lanes
                                                -Report missing opponents
                                                -Coordinate and work as a team

                                                After that, I'd say 7 out of 10 times, there's more coordination in my team. There's the occassional dude calling me a wimp for what I just said, but let him be.

                                                Also, I try and not immediately mute people, because coordination is still important. Give them a few chances and when you fee like you can't take it anymore, mute them.

                                                Whenever they do something bad, tell them to relax and say that it's okay, then proceed to focus on what you're doing. If they're playing like shit, give constructive feedback. And when they do good, give them a "Well played!" or tell them that what they did was cool/awesome.

                                                I dunno but lately I've been trying hard in ranked and I've won a lot of games we shouldn't have won just because of how I play now.

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                                                  just have fun :)


                                                    play with the tilt it's like active rot you deal damage to yourself too

                                                    Player 404335202

                                                      Leave dota